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Me: What do you mean "that's odd"? *lands on an island near the kindom*

Hunter: *hops off of you* Well when I grew up I guess, in the human world you would say? Anyway, Churches would always preach that Satan- your father- was an angel until he betrayed god. He lost his halo, fell to hell, and became king of hell.

Me: Why do people always assume things? Sorry not talking about you, I know you aren't like everyone else.

Hunter: I don't know why people assume things but how do you know I'm not like them?

Me: I just know.

Hunter: Could you tell me more? About Half-breeds please?

Me: Well let's start from the beginning. Thousands of years ago, God got tired of all the goody goody people so he started experimenting with things and came up with Demons. Yep you got it right we are the result of an experiment. Crazy right?

Hunter: Wow, I had no idea. *becomes more curious*

Me: *stretches my wings* yeah a lot of people don't, back to the story. Years passed and Demons started to get greedy- surprise am I right? Then God made the rules. Everything was okay until demons and angels started to bare children together.

Hunter: Yeah I got that, but how did I slip past Gods fingers? How am I still alive?

Me: I do not have the answers you seek Hunter but night fall is coming and I can't take you to the kingdom so we shall stay here for now.

Hunter: Okay.

Me: *Conjours up a place for you to stay* Here you can sleep now.

Hunter: What about you?

Me: Demons don't sleep, we do for fun but most the time we don't.

Hunter: Oh-

Me: Yeah I'll stay up and make sure no one else comes after you.

Hunter: You don't have to, But thanks anyway Blake. I appreciate it.

Me: You're welcome.

Hunter: Anyway I can repay you for helping?

Me: Who knows....Maybe one day you can tell me about the human world *Looks up at the stars and just stares off to space* Get some sleep, Goodnight.

Hunter: *yawns* Goodnight Blake, See you in the morning.....*slowly falls asleep*

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