Meme 12 (Pokemon Go)

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Ok, I know what you are thinking

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Ok, I know what you are thinking. This is not exactly a meme. But Its still funny.

If you don't get it, here is what it means:
In Pokemon there are Shiny Pokemon, it means that that Pokemon is a different colour from the normal coloured Pokemon.

And on 24 May, there was a Seedot community day.(Community day is where the game spawns a specific Pokemon like 99% of the time) So I spent an hour and a half getting the Pokemon above.

I would only catch Shinies and higher CP (Combat Power) Seedots because I was low on Pokeballs.

Later, I asked my cousin how was community day. And he said that he didn't really see mamy Seedot. So I sent him the picture above to flex on him. :)

I had to go through so many Seedots to find those 5 Shinies. Because in Pokemon Go when you see a Pokemon you need to press on it to see if its a shiny. So that is painful.

Here is a picture to express my pain:

And that was how I spent Seedot Community day

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And that was how I spent Seedot Community day. Its was painful but I was satisfied that I got 5 Shinies.

See you in the next chapter!

Pokemon, Beyblade Burst, Roblox Memes, Minecraft MemesWhere stories live. Discover now