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"Ugh, you guys are so frustrating!" [ Y / N ] groaned, leaning back into her chair that she had been tied up to. Couldn't even have a damn day or two to herself - but no, they just HAD to find her at the hotel; she should've just kept running and she would've been out of this mess for sure.

The sextuplets had been gathered around one another, either on the bed or the floor. They all would discuss things - well, besides Jyushimatsu. He would remain silent and anytime he was asked anything or something was towards him, he just nodded. That's it. A singular nod. He was ashamed of himself, it was all his fault that [ Y / N ] had been captured and was now gonna be forced to whatever his brothers would want her to do. It wasn't right at all. If he did anything, he'd end up getting killed! As of now, he just held back from anything and remained silent - sitting where he was. That smile of his no longer plastered on his face. It was sort of heartbreaking..

Choromatsu looked over to the female, a small triangular smile was on his face as he scooted himself to the ledge of the bed that had been closer to the chair, "You know what was really frustrating? Tyler. How he could've taken you away from us .." His eyes glanced off to the side for a moment, but then back over to [ Y / N ], who had been looking at him with those eyes to which he adored; but they had been filled with fear. A small huff left him, his hands going up and taking her face into his palms, looking at her, "But, he's no longer an issue, of course." His thumb grazed along her cheek, being ever so gentle with her face; until his hold became a little tighter.

[ Y / N ] would let out a small grunt, wishing to pry his cold hands off her face, "C-Choromatsu .."

He didn't even notice how tight his grip had been, Karamatsu took quick notice of this as he quickly stood from where he was sitting to yank his brother away, "Are you trying to dislocate her jaw?!"

Karamatsu shouted, gripping Choromatsu's shoulders as he slapped the male across the face, "Get it together!"

Choromatsu stared at him, as he then grunted and smacked his own hand across Karamatsu's face, "Get your hands off me! I was just gonna kiss her!"

The two would argue, the other brothers groaned as they got irritated by their bickering. And [ Y / N ] just sat there, having to go through it all.

She should've never came to Japan, she should've stay back at home where everything was easier. If she didn't come here, she could've been living at her old apartment and not have to deal with .. whatever the hell this was.

Holding back her tears, she sniffled. Thinking about how she could've most likely been happier at this mere moment, she could probably be with friends or being with family. But no, all she's been doing is running away and dealing with the sextuplets. It was hell. An absolute living hell and she didn't wanna be in it no more.

She wanted to go home.

As she continued to think about better thoughts, the female began laughing as she did so, causing Karamatsu and Choromatsu to stop fighting, now the others attention were all on her. Jyushimatsu even finally looked at her.

Soft sobs began to come from the girl as she leaned her head down, hair falling in front of her face, not able to bury her face into her hands since they were tied up behind the chair.

"[ Y - Y / N ] .. ? My angel, are you alright?" Karamatsu got a bit closer to her, as [ Y / N ] grit her teeth.

"Am I alright..?" Her voice was quiet and stern, sniffling as tears would fall from her face, her head remained kept down. Eyes gazed up towards the men, eyebrows furrowed.

"What's wrong .. ? Is it us? You don't wanna leave us, right?" Choromatsu asked, his voice cracked, hands trembling slightly at his sides.

'You don't wanna leave us, right?' Just those words irked her, making her growl lowly, she jerked her whole body and snapped at them, "Of course I wanna leave! Do you guys not notice that you're total pieces of shit?! 'Are you alright', do I look alright?! No! You're shit, you're shit, you're shit! Fuck you!" She spat at Choromatsu, not at his face, the saliva landed on his hoodie as it would slowly trail down.

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