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It had began to pour; rain would pour down from the sky and an unsettling pace, hitting the ground and getting anything wet outside.

The girl kept running .. and running .. as fast as she could. Who cares if she slipped and fell? She would just get back up again, even if she had done so multiple times. It was perfectly normal to slip and fall in the rain, especially if you're running from serial killers, y'know?

Her coat would swift behind her from how fast she was running down the sidewalk, being sort of cautious of the gun in her pocket that had a tracker in it ( to which she didn't know of. ) This was all just happening so quick, moving, getting to know some brothers that were really murderers, then they kill your friend, now you're on the run and you never know when it'll end. Heavy panting and wheezing came from [ Y / N ] as she slowly began to settle, knowing she had ran quite far and now she was in a place that seemed somewhat busy, though it was raining.

Hugging herself, she walked through the area as a bunch of people passed her, holding bags of sorts and items.

Oh! Another hotel .. would she be safe there for a night or two? They didn't know where she was .. but little did she know.

She did have the money to rent a night or two, plus, it seemed nice and 'luxurious' in a way. Hopefully this would give her somewhat of a break from running from those sickos. [ Y / N ] wished she could've done something for Jyushimatsu, but she knew he was strong .. he could do it, right? He can keep everything secret between the two and not peep a word.

[ Y / N ] heaved out a shaky sigh and made her way over to the hotel, and into the large building. Her eyes glanced around her surroundings, slowly heading to the counter to host a room for herself for the next night or two.

"Um, hello. I'd like to reserve a room for the next two nights. I-If a room is available, that is."

She was then handed a key card, to room 31. Handing the amount of money needed she went the direction of the room.

Stumbling then and there, arriving at her room and using the key card to open the door, quickly opening it to enter and shutting it, immediately locking it.

[ Y / N ] stood there for a moment, silence was all that had filled the room, until it was full of soft sobs. The girl slammed herself back up against the wall, slowly sliding down and to sit on the floor, her hands shakily went up to her face to cry into her palms; feeling as if she hadn't had a moment to herself in a while with all the stuff going on. Feeling such anger, frustration and sadness.

Knowing she wasn't able to hide for a while, she might as well try to enjoy it now. Taking a shower .. eating a meal .. getting proper sleep. She could finally do all of that, by herself, and not have to worry about it. Surely, she calmed down soon enough, nose sniffling and pulling her hands away from her face, getting up. First thing to do is rinse off.

Opening the door to the bathroom and turning on the light, it was rather bright, but nice. Everything had a calm, rich tone tone to it, polished marble counter and tile. A step in shower with the glass doors .. huh, maybe she would finally get some luxurious days of freedom.
A thing she then realized after examining the bathroom was .. herself. How tired and filthy she looked, her hair had been in knots. Everything he just felt so gross. Mumbling, [ Y / N ] stripped her clothes, and placed them onto a side of the counter. Sliding open the door to turn on the water and feel the temperature before getting in, the warm water against her cold-bare skin was such a delightful feeling. Body sore and cold from the rain.

It was relaxing.

But, all relaxing things sure do come to an end.

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