28. The Cupboard of Mysteries

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"What the hell?" I murmured to myself as I found the door unlocked.

From the outside, the Cursed House looked just like it did when we last came here. It seemed like yesterday when we had all come here to see what was up with the Cursed House and met Elektra Queen for the first and last time, but in reality, it had been almost two months since then.

It's like they want to be robbed, I snorted at the unlocked door.

But they didn't, I soon discovered. The house was, as Zeke had said, practically empty. I switched on the flashlight of my phone, lighting up the area just a little. There was nothing in the room that I'd entered into, except for a cupboard.

An old, rickety cupboard.

That'll be a bit hard to carry out now, won't it?

Call it plain asshole-ness on Walter's part or call it plain stupidity on my part, but I'd made the decision of entering this house, now I wasn't going out without something.

I tried to walk as silently as possible in the direction of the cupboard. I didn't really want to have to search another room. This place was too cold for my liking.

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath as a rat with red eyes ran across the length of the floor. I may not be afraid of ghosts but I also wasn't particularly fond of rats.

A little latch was the only form of safety offered to the little cupboard. I cautiously pulled it open, hoping to gods that there weren't any rats in there.

"Achoo!" I scrunched my nose up, preparing myself for another sneeze but I didn't sneeze any more. I flashed the light at the shelves inside, trying to see if I could find something in here.

"C'mon, oh, Cupboard of Mysteries, gimme something," I murmured, bending down to get a better look at the lower shelves. Only when I stretched up on my toes, did I find something.

"Bingpot," I grinned at the small book. Deciding to check it out later, I hastily grabbed it and turned to leave.

And that was when I heard a loud crash from the deeper parts of the house.

Being the curious little creature that I was, I walked into the direction of the sound.

Isn't this what all the characters of all the horror movies do and get killed? My subconscious voiced out snootily.

Well, if I do get killed, at least I'll die a happy death knowing that I ate delicious cupcakes a few hours ago, I reasoned.

I walked straight for a while and then took a left. I walked into what looked like a kitchen just in time to see a black cat with shining yellow eyes meowing at me and jumping out of the broken window of the kitchen.

I sighed in relief. It was just a cat.

I flashed my phone light around the kitchen, illuminating the area for mere moments. It looked like the kitchen still had a lot more stuff than the room I was in. A few cups and plates still lingered around, so did a few pens, a tie pin and a mousetrap.

Sighing, I turned back and traced the same path back to the room I'd come from. I looked around the place once more, and pushed the door open.

Walking out of the Cursed House unscathed, I grinned at all of my anxious-looking friends.

"Why do you all look so afraid?" I asked, amused.

"Also, you annoying cockroach," I turned to Walter, whose face had turned a little red at my endearment, "Here, I got one object," and waved the diary merrily in his and Zeke's direction.

"Now," I yawned, "I think I'd like to sleep," I grinned sleepily at my friends.

"Of course, " Matt smiled, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I knew you could do it, Aria," Ethan started enthusiastically.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it you, who was convinced that Elektra Queen's ghost had already killed Aria?" Mae raised an eyebrow at Ethan, who only waved a hand of dismissal at her.

"Pfft. That was Torryn."

"Right," I smiled at Ethan before looking at the accused boy to see him already staring at me. Torryn had this weird look in his eyes, almost as if he was relieved. Too sleepy to think deeply into the matter, I shrugged it off.

"Well, you do have guts, Aria, I'll give you that," Walter said with an expression that could've soured milk and walked away with Zeke.

"What's up with Brit and Rhea?" I asked once we started walking to where the cars were parked.

"They've got it under control," Owen answered.

"Yeah, Rhea's staying the night at Brit's house," Mason piped in.

"Staying the night at her girlfriend's house, is she?" I smirked. I'm going to have a field day tomorrow, I thought as I cackled mentally.

"You look mental," was the first thing Torryn had said to me since I came back with the diary.

"You are mental," was my very mature response, which was, of course, accompanied by me sticking my tongue out at him.

After saying our goodbyes and goodnights, we all parted ways. Sitting in the passenger seat of Bill, with the windows down and the wind in my face, I smiled to myself as I hummed to the familiar tune of Bear Claws that was being played on the radio.


Swamped with homework for the rest of the weekend, I finally got time on Monday evening to have a look at the diary that had taken residence on my nightstand.

Even after dusting it, the diary still looked very old, the pages barely holding it together.

"Hm, let's see if this belongs to Tom Riddle," I murmured to myself, leaning against the headboard of my bed.

I opened the first page. Thomas Lake, was written at the very top in neat, cursive handwriting.

Well, at least we have a Tom.

I turned to the next page and journal seemed a better fit for the little notebook in my hands instead of a diary. The first entry was dated October 1, 1916.

No wonder it looks so old.

I started reading, eager to know what Thomas had written.

And it started,
I still remember the day when Elizabeta first came to the town...


Hello, everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well! I won't ramble today and only apologize for all the Harry Potter and Brooklyn Nine-Nine and if anyone noticed Percy Jackson references in there :)

Anyways, let me know what you think about this chapter!


Aria: Vote because dying doesn't seem so sad if you've eaten cupcakes.

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