Stay Positive

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"I hear you're having a hard time and I just want to say I love you and stay strong, stay positive. Don't think about the negatives 'cause the negatives are obviously what causes it, and it's your mindset more than anything. If you put your mindset in a better place and just think about the positives for a little bit,  you'll actually feel a lot better"

- Zach Herron, Why Don't We -

" If you are struggling mentally, I don't know exactly what you are struggling with, but usually, whatever you are struggling with, stay positive through it all, and forgetting about the negatives usually will help a lot. Your mindset, whether you know it or not, your mindset is like what controls all of that. So, whatever you are going through, try to focus on the positives other than the negatives, 'cause the negatives usually will eat you up and like make you just feel so crappy for just sitting in bed like.....feeling down. You got to get up and like get going, do something fun, you know. Like if you are laying in bed , my mom always says - if I'm feeling down or something -, 'Don't lay in bed. It will only make you feel worse'. 'Cause you're just sitting there and just thinking about the negatives non stop and like mentally just struggling. And if you put your mind somewhere else and get up and do something, you'll feel so much better"

- Zach Herron, Why Don't We -

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