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Naomi was crying. There no specific reason to why she's crying. She just was sitting on her chair, smoking a cigarette, thinking about life. Naomi counted how much has happened since her parent died. A lot has happened.

Naomi went to check under her bed for blades. She couldn't find them, then realized her brother took them. She couldn't scream at Michael for taking it since he was on a business trip. She ran down the stairs tripping over her feet. She was too weak to walk. She aggressively pushed his door open, opening his drawers, spilling everything out. She then checked under his mattress and finally found it. It wasn't much but it'll do. Naomi grabbed the cocaine and ran back to her room and this time she managed not to trip over her feet. She knew Michael would be very angry at her for taking it. She didn't care though, Naomi was too angry at him for taking her own stuff.

Naomi laid everything out and sniffed the cocaine. In a few minutes her eyes were bloodshot. She loved the feeling it was giving her. She ran down stairs wanting more. She checked Michael's room for more but she took it all. She checked the fridge for alcohol this time. There was only a bottle of vodka left but it's better than nothing.

Naomi was somehow still sober and the drugs didn't last long. She was currently on her bed. She was scratching her body, hoping her nails would help her like her razors. It didn't. She screamed out of frustration, scratching her stomach and legs, it was hard enough to leave a red mark but not enough for her to bleed. She craved the touch of her blades. Naomi then remember that there was a bottle of pills hidden in Michael's room she found earlier. She figured if she didn't get to feel her razors then might as well die.

Calum decided to visit Michael. He knows he and Michael haven't talked for two years. He apologized a lot of times and eventually gave up. But this time he was only apologizing to talk to his sister Naomi.

Calum was at their front door. He found the door unlocked and just walked in. He heard faint screams, screams of a girl in pain. Calum instantly ran up to see what was happening. He peeked through the door seeing Naomi in tears. Scratches all over her neck, stomach and legs. He was only able to see her stomach since her shirt raised up. Calum also saw an empty cigarette pack laying on the floor and a vodka bottle. He then brought his attention back to Naomi who was trying to open a pill bottle. She eventually gave up and her eyes glanced over at the vodka bottle. She threw it against the wall and took a piece of the broken glass and slid it across her wrist. She smiled, satisfied.

Calum wanted to run up to her and help her. He couldn't. As if something was stopping him from doing that. Calum decided to just run out of the house. He ran out of the house and to a party trying to hit some girls up acting like he never suspected a thing. He thought that would help him forget but it wouldn't leave his mind.

Calum wasn't fast enough. Naomi saw his face. She was sure it was him. He was wearing those ripped black skinny jeans and Cobain shirt that he was wearing earlier at school today.

Naomi began to panic. Her breathing was uneven and she felt her chest tightening. She pulled her hair while she was trying to even her breath out. Eventually she blacked out.

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