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It's obvious she's so out of reach


"Are you sure about this?" Asahi asked me. 

"Yeah, I don't think it's too much work. I'm still Sugawara Koushi no matter how many facades I put up. It's still me at the end of the day," I answered.

"Why not get her to like you back without trying to fit her standards? I mean, if she doesn't like you the way you are now, what will she say if she finds about the act you pulled on her?" Daichi said.

I sighed as I sheepishly smiled at them. I only joked about this a few minutes ago but it suddenly turned into a counseling session. I know they're concerned. It's not everyday that I think of pulling this kind of act so it's a surprise for them, too, but I really like (yn). Watching her for years have made me a bit desperate. I'm sure these two know how hard I've fallen for the girl. I've been with them since 1st year of highschool and they know almost everything about me. 

"She would've noticed me already if it's meant to be that way. I can't lose her to another boy who's going to break her heart again in the end," I replied.

"Doesn't she have a record of playing around with guys, though?" Daichi asked. 

"She's just like Asahi. People just made up rumors. In fact, she's the one who's been hurt by guys. Not the other way round," I quickly answered him. 

That might also be the reason why her ideal type is like that. She wants someone who will turn things around, make her feel like it's worth the risk. I can't blame her. She's been hurt so many times and I was such a coward to stay put and not approach her. I'm like a downgraded version of a stalker. I see her but I don't want to go near her. 

"She's kind, Daichi. I've been with her a few times. School events. If ever she's really a player, I feel like it'd be like a facade. It'd be her own way of building her walls up," Asahi added. 

"Suga, we just care about you. Also, aren't you just going to hurt her as well? You're trying to be someone you're not! You're trying to be like Tanaka, somehow he's the opposite of you!" Daichi reminded me.

"I know, this is why I need your help," I said.

If pretending to be someone else means she's going to be with me, I'm in.


First, we have to be in the same class. This is the last year of highschool we're talking about. If this fails, it's over... or not. I know I can devise another way but that's just for Plan B. If I make Plan A work, I don't have to worry about Plan B. 

"Really? This early?" Daichi asked, bags evident under his eyes.

"I can't be complacent and just hope that fate is on my side. We both know it isn't. The past few years are evidence. If fate isn't doing its job, I'll just have to force it!" I replied with a slight frown. 

I haven't been able to sleep properly last night as well. I was up almost all night, sending a few messages to my two best buddies and reminding them about so many things like, trying to be on time and waking me up if ever I'm still asleep when the sun has risen already. I was paranoid. 

Fix Me Not (Sugawara Koushi X Reader) HAIKYUU FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now