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Do you want me too?


"It was just a suitor. I don't know how the guy found me. He said he's a schoolmate," I told Koushi over the phone. 

He didn't say anything about being jealous or alarmed about the fact that a boy showed up in front of our house and even talked to my mom about courting me but here I am, trying to assure him that he's still the only one that I like and I really didn't know anything about the guy earlier.

"I think he was the one who confessed to you back then," he replied calmly.

He's right! Now that I think of it, the guy earlier really looks like the one who admitted his feelings to me back then. I didn't even remember him because Koushi's the only one in my mind. 

"He's not giving up, huh? Don't worry. My mom already said no to him."

"You're the one who's worried," he chuckled.

I scrunched my nose at what he said. He's right. I've been such a worrywart since last night. I just can't lose Koushi but I also can't keep on disobeying my mom.

For some reason, my mom didn't ask more about Suga right after their encounter earlier. Is she really fine with me having a boyfriend now or something? Or maybe because she knows it's just a crush and nothing more?

"You know, I really like you. I don't normally say this to guy but yeah," I confessed.

He makes my heart soft. 

Have you ever experienced being scared of telling someone you like them because you're afraid that someday, they might leave and make you look like a complete idiot for being so smitten over someone who's shitty? Well, I have but definitely not with Koushi. I know there's no saying that he will not leave but something about him really makes me confident that he only likes me and I shouldn't be afraid to tell him my real feelings because I know that he's going to take care of me and everything I say to him. 

I watched him bite his lip to stop himself from smiling before nodding his head.

"I like you, too, (Yn). I'd do anything for you."


Wow. So much for telling myself that I'm confident about Koushi liking me only. I know he makes me feel like the only girl in the world but that's not what I make myself feel. 

I'm currently staring at their volleyball manager from afar with a glazed look on my face. It's been weeks since I knew about her from Michimiya and Hitoka but I'm still here, observing her like a stalker. I just hope she doesn't notice me. 

She's pretty. I can give her that but what did she do in her past life to be so lucky? She's surrounded by good-looking boys but that's not what I'm mainly worried about. She's around my Koushi most of the time. 

She's quiet, too. She's so charming! What if Koushi likes her already? I mean, you can have feelings for someone who's with you most of the time!

"(Yn)!" I heard Ya-chan's voice.

"Y-yeah?!" I panicked.

"I won't be able to go home with you again--"

"It's okay. I know you're busy being their manager. Just call me when you need me, okay?" I told her and gave her a pat on the head.

"O-okay... thank you!" I smiled sadly as she walked away.

I shouldn't be jealous. In fact, I should be happy since Hitoka is also a part of the volleyball club now! I know she's not there to guard Koushi but her being related to me makes a lot of difference. 

Yes, (Yn). 

Trust Koushi. Okay. That's exactly what I'll do.

I walked back to my classroom in a sullen mood. I didn't even talk to any of my classmates that much since I was really into overthinking. After classes, I hurried back near the gym area in hopes of seeing Koushi or something. 

"Koushi!" I called happily. I felt like my mood just did a 360 turn. I opened my arms while I ran towards him to prepare for a hug when he caught them and brought them back to my sides again with a straight face. I pouted. "You don't want my hug?" 

He sighed and looked around because some of the other players were present nearby as well. Is he shy? But he's always so straightforward and tough-looking! 

"I'm sweaty," he mumbled.

Oh, okay! So he wasn't shy about his teammates seeing us but he's shy about being sweaty? I tapped on his chest with my two hands a few times before smiling. 

"Sweat's normal, it's fine," I said softly as I looked up at him and studied his expression. Without waiting for what he's going to say next, I decided to continue my mission so I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. I sighed in content as I felt how warm his body was and because he hugged me back as well but loosely. 

I could stay like this forever.

I pulled away when I saw their manager and Yachi talking from a distance. I narrowed my eyes slightly before averting my eyes. 

"How's practice so far?" I asked Koushi.

"It's fine. How's class?"

"Usual. I wish you were there to help me when some subjects got really tough but I gave it my best, hehe. For you. I'll be going home now. Be safe."

"You, too. Text me when you get home."

"Okay! Don't forget to eat and rest. Don't use your phone too much when in public. Do your best. Bye!"

I gave him one last hug before I went home with a smile on my face. 

Fix Me Not (Sugawara Koushi X Reader) HAIKYUU FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now