Chapter Two

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You worked the rest of your shift, and as soon as eight o'clock rolled around you were punching out and hurrying home. You still weren't feeling one hundred percent normal, especially not after what anxiety you had to go through running away from the gym and worrying about if Kylo was going to catch you or not. You thought you deserved a long soak in your tub and some classical music, and that's exactly what you did.

With your personal tablet playing some slow, instrumental music you tried to close your eyes and focus on you. Your stomach was still cramping, but after what you had to live through you thought maybe it was just stress. You had been feeling fine throughout the day after the incident in the gym, and you thought your stomach virus was beginning to fade. You knew there was no way the stress would help it go away, so you assumed now it would be with you for a little bit longer. That was alright. You had medicine to help take the pain away.

After your bath you wrapped yourself in a towel, took another round of stomach and pain meds and began digging around for your thermometer. You hadn't thought to take your temperature throughout all this. The Order's sick policy states that any employee that had a fever of 37.8 degrees or higher must stay home. Perhaps if you got lucky you'd have a fever and could skip work tomorrow and work on recovering yourself. You stuck it under your tongue as you toweled yourself off, and when it finally beeped you were elated to see it read 37.9 degrees. Sure part of it was probably because you had just taken a warm bath, but you couldn't lie with what the thermometer said. Now you had a reason to call out of work and take a day for yourself tomorrow, and you were happier than you probably should have been about it.

You quickly dressed in your nightie and jumped into bed, pulling up your tablet and sending a message to your boss that you were ill and would need the day off tomorrow. You then stayed up for another hour watching some videos on your tablet, and when you were tired enough you finally laid down to sleep. It was well past midnight, but it didn't matter. You wouldn't be waking up early tomorrow, so you could have stayed up all night if you wanted to. But you wanted to rest. The one thing that would help you feel better would be a good nights sleep, and you were determined to get one even if it killed you.

That night you dreamed about yourself dancing in your living room. It was such a silly dream, but you could remember bouncing around to some fun pop music, swinging your hips and throwing your hands in the air over and over. You remembered feeling like you were so carefree and alive, having so much fun until it all came to an abrupt end.

You heard your room door open and you still continued to dance but the dream you thought it was nothing, or just a friend from long long ago that had come to join you. You still pranced around your living room to the beat of the song until your dream faded into something completely different.

With deep, loud footsteps getting closer and closer to you, the image before you faded from your living room flashing all around you to the dark image of a familiar figure stalking over to you. While your living room had been well lit and alive with music before, not it was dark and quiet, with only the image of the last person you ever expected to be dreaming about standing there in front of you.

"Su--Supreme Leader?" You asked in your dream, but he only stood there boring into you from behind the safety of his helmet. You squint your eyes, could only see him from the waist up, and you were confused when you realized it was because your footboard was blocking the rest of him. Your dream had so suddenly changed from taking place in your living room to in your own bed, and you could feel your sheets dampening underneath of you as the sweat began to form under your body. In an instant, your dream changed from a fun happy dream to a nightmare, and you didn't know what you had to do to wake up.

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