Chapter One

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Out of every profession you could have been given in the First Order, you were given probably one of the worst. You had applied as a cook a year and a half ago, and you were entirely discouraged when you got an email back saying the cook positions were all taken, but they'd keep your resume on file if anything else came up. You heard the Order paid well, and at the moment you were in quite a bind. In heavy debt for missing rent one too many times, from borrowing money from the wrong people, and in need of a safe place to hide from all of the madness, you thought you'd take anything the Order had to offer you. Your dreams came true, however, when one night, while hiding out in a ratty motel, you got a call from the recruiters. You were so happy, moved to turn off the shitty TV in your room and you missed what she said they were hiring you for, but it really didn't matter to you. You told her you wanted the job, and she scheduled a time for you to have your tests done before coming to live on the Supremacy.

You were flown off of your home planet and onto one of the Order's Star Destroyers and put through a rigorous round of testing that involved IQ tests, reading, writing, and mathematics tests, and even an in depth medical exam to make sure you were healthy and weren't bringing any diseases into the fleet. Although math wasn't really your thing and your score could have been better, you were told every other exam came back perfectly fine and the next day you were informed of your hiring into the First Order. You excitedly accepted the packet of information they presented to you, thinking you'd have an interesting and fulfilling job. A cook like you originally wanted, or a Storm Trooper even. You were not ready to read the first line of the packet and find out that you were destined to be a mail carrier.

Your days consisted of constant walking. In one sixteen hour shift you would literally walk from one end of the Supremacy to another, stopping at literally every dwelling and station there was. On your first day your feet had swollen and hurt so badly that you almost quit halfway through your shift, but powered through it because you were getting free room and board, free food, and had no bills to pay plus a hefty paycheck on top of all this. You were paying off your debts and clearing your name. There was no way you could stop now.

It did get easier as your body adapted, as you got better fitting shoes and built up muscle in your legs to carry you all day. After a month your supervisor allowed you to wear headphones during your adventures across the massive ship. You found that walking alone with your music keeping you company was much more enjoyable than having to hear every conversation there was in the hallways of the Order. Sometimes you'd wonder if you heard too much, like instructions to destroy a nearby planet or a new piece of the ever-evolving puzzle that was finding the Resistance. If you overheard something you weren't supposed to hear, you didn't have any doubt that someone would come after you and recondition you. You were thankful for the Order for giving you such a great opportunity, but you knew that they were serious about their sensitive information.

The two million people that lived on that ship received so much mail. Each day you left with a cart bulging with letters and packages, and a tablet that would show you your route for the day. Between you and the other two carriers you'd manage to get through the entire ship in one day. Most of it was notifications of infractions, or paychecks that went out every week. Sometimes the crew would write handwritten letters to each other, which you always thought was weird because there was an email function on every tablet. There really must have been something special about receiving handwritten letters, because so many of them ended up in your cart every day.

Your route specifically housed several of the C wing personnel, a lot of the different leisure rooms such as bars, gyms, and theaters, and some of the medical and business offices. Each and every day you stopped and placed the letters into the mail slots and you picked up whatever letters and documents you needed to take with you and put them in a different part of your cart. Packages were left outside of doors, and the ones that required signatures were handed directly to their receivers. You did this every day for a year and a half, and you didn't have a reason to complain until the day you found a complete shitshow going on before your very eyes.

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