Chapter Three

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You came to slowly, forgetting momentarily that you had called out of work the previous day and throwing your eyes open when you realized you had been getting too much sleep. You picked your head up, and when it finally dawned on you that you were given the day off you calmed yourself. You placed your head back onto the pillow and sighed. You had gotten so much extra sleep, yet you were so exhausted. You closed your eyes, tried to allow yourself to sleep, but you quickly realized that something wasn't right. You were sleeping face down, your arms above your head and your legs stretched out long. You never slept on your belly, and when you rolled over you quickly found out why you had been sleeping in such a strange position.

You yelped as soon as your ass made contact with your mattress, winced as you once again rolled back onto your stomach. You stared at your back wall trying to make sense of what was going on. This was so weird. You had no idea what could have caused your ass to be so sore, but before you could dwell on it for very long, the feeling of something soft in your hand drew your attention away from your sore rear end. As carefully as you could you rolled onto your side, freeing the hand that held the soft object out from under you and slowly let your fingers fall open. Your heart stopped at the sight of a deep blue ball of fabric sitting in your palm. Holding your breath, you gently folded them open and were mortified to see that they were your panties. The panties that you had definitely worn last night to sleep. Your panties that shouldn't have been completely torn at the sides like this. Staring at them wide eyed and still not understanding what had happened to you, you let out a groan as you become hyper-aware of the state your body was in.

Everything hurt. Your thighs. Your back. Your arms. Your feet. You were even sore between your legs, so much so that the act of simply rolling over to stand up caused your walls to spasm in reaction to the pain. You stood, turned around and looked at your bed trying to make sense of what was going on. Everything that you were experiencing pointed to one thing and one thing only: You had been fucked, and fucked hard last night. You tried to recall something, anything that could jog your memory of what could have happened to you last night, and when you looked back down at your shredded panties in your hand, you remembered what your mind had worked so hard to block out.

Your dream. Your dream about the Supreme Leader and how he dominated you to the point of exhaustion. How he spanked you, bound you, demeaned you, and demanded your submission until you were cumming all over his cock. Your breath hitched in your throat as you openly gasped, staring down at your bed as you noticed a small crusted white stain in your black sheets. You were so sure it had all been a dream, but what was all this? Why would a dream have left you so sore? Why would a dream have ripped your panties? Why would a dream have left what looked to be semen on your sheets? You had so many questions, but at the same time you didn't want the answers. You took a shaky step away from your bed and found there was something between your thighs, something that rubbed against your skin and left you feeling quite uncomfortable. Your stomach churned uncomfortably as you reached between your legs and ran a finger along your inner thigh only to be horrified when you felt something dry and crusty there too, and your heart sank. Had the Supreme Leader really been here last night, and had he really shown you that good of a time?

You almost instantly began doubting yourself as you turned and stumbled your way into the bathroom. You told yourself over and over that it was a dream even though you had more than enough evidence to tell you that Kylo Ren had, indeed, been here, because you doubted yourself. You were a mail carrier. A mail carrier that fled debt and violence by running into the arms of the First Order. You were just a girl who had erotic fantasies about her highest superior, just a girl that nearly got caught gawking over him. Why would Kylo waste his time with you? It was a dream. You had torn your panties in your sleep and gotten yourself off so much that your thighs and sheets were stained with your juices. You somehow managed to spank yourself so hard it left your ass red and sore, and you fingered yourself so roughly that you were aching everywhere. It was a lucid, very wet dream you came up with on your own, a dream that turned you on too much, and that was your ridiculous, almost unbelievable story and you were sticking with. You closed your eyes, regrouping as you placed your hand upon the door handle to your bathroom. You did all of this to yourself during your oversexualized dream. That's all you had to remember.

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