More Art Stuffs!!!

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Okay so I'ma try to do a tutorial on how I draw cause I promised that to someone but havnt done it yet.

But first.

I drew human Pony Head and it actually looks good.

Okay now that you've gazed upon that gloriousness, it's tutorial time!

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Okay now that you've gazed upon that gloriousness, it's tutorial time!

So keep with me here, I'm drawing this whole I'm taking pictures so Yee.

Who should we draw.... Hmmmmmm.... (I'm not faking this I legit have no idea who to draw XD)

Let's draw a Siren cause I love Sirens!!! 

Disclaimer: I have never taken an art class in my life before and I use a little bit of a sketching technique. So don't be triggered if I sketch how your not supposed to sketch.

Okay so first you start with two lines that look like this depending on how big, long, short, wide you want the head to be. 

Then you trace around the lines to create a head

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Then you trace around the lines to create a head. (If the lines don't match up where the top of the head is, it's okay I do that all the time. Just draw an extra line to conect them)

 Just draw an extra line to conect them)

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Next, you add the neck. Make it as thick/thin as you need it to be. To create the shoulders, make a curve. (You'll see what I mean from the picture) the shoulders don't have to be equal. Just get them as close to equal as possible. Make sure to make your arms at a reasonable length. One thing I used to do was make them like, the length of a stapler. So... Don't do that. Next, determine how thick/thin you want their arms. The arms don't have to look perfect. You can just do a little preview cause usually I move my arms. I just need the arms in order to create the waist.

Next, the waist and uh

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Next, the waist and uh... Chest area. You go off of the arms a lot for this part. The waist is kind of hard to explain how to draw so I'll just let you see in the picture. The chest area, you make two parentheses like this ( ) but you kind of have to go over the lines of the arms. I know I'm confuseing XD.

 I know I'm confuseing XD

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Next, the legs. Since we're doing a Siren, we won't be doing legs.

Now the clothes (and hair) cause this is a PG book and clothes are important!

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Now the clothes (and hair) cause this is a PG book and clothes are important!

Now the clothes (and hair) cause this is a PG book and clothes are important!

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Now other details!!

Now name your beautiful drawing and let them go into the world!! But you should probably color it first but anyway! Hopes this helped!!

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Now name your beautiful drawing and let them go into the world!! But you should probably color it first but anyway! Hopes this helped!!

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