YouTube Stuffs

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Aight so idk if ya'll know but I did a glmv with the song Welcome To Wonderland and I just posted it. Its an alternate ending to Trauma where both Lilly and Dipper die cause I wanted to make it depressing. 

But before I show it to you guys, I need to tell you why I havn't been updating my storys. So, I put all my time in effort into that. And for two friggin days, I worked my butt off making it look better. So I went to go deleate all of the screenshots I took cause I didn't want it to take up all of my storage. 

Well, apparently in the app I was using, the screenshots that I deleated also deleated in the app. So All 80+ screenshots I took got deleated. That ment I had to re do the entire thing. Keep in mind it only took me two days cause I worked non stop on it. 

So last night, I started it all over again. I was almost done and I probably could have finished it, but I think I overworked myself cause my eyes were hurting and I was really tense and my words were stuttering. So yeah. Thats the painful process I went through in order to create this four minute video. So here you go ladies and gentlemen. 

_-Cringe Warning.-_ 

I'm sorry for the cringe

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