Chapter 5

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            "Jasmine,welcome to our school. Class,we have a new student as you can see. Her name is .."
         "Jasmine Derby" I completed.
         "You two know each other?" asked Ms Adams.
         "Yes,we used to go to school together." I replied in sweet tone even though I was feeling anything but sweet.
      "That's great. Jasmine already has a friend. Since you two are already acquainted, I'm sure it'll be more comfortable for Jasmine if you show her around,Becky."
       Just as I was about to blatantly refuse, Jasmine responded. "Oh, I'm sure Becky has better things to do,she must be super busy. I wouldn't want to intrude."
       "Oh,don't you worry Jasmine, I most definitely have time to inculcate a new student into the ways of our school."
      "Well,then that would be splendid, how kind of you, Becky." Jasmine said emphasizing on some particular words just as I did.
        Meanwhile,the whole class just stared as they watched as we passed comments back and forth.
          As I was about to respond,Ms Adams interrupted saying. "Well,Jasmine why don't you take a seat so we can continue the class."
   "Of course Mrs.."Jasmine trailed off.
    "Ms Adams,dear."
    "Right,Ms Adams." she said while moving towards a seat in the middle row on the opposite side of where I was sitting.
      I kept my eyes on her until I heard the bell ring, signalling the end of History.
      Everyone moved towards the door in a crowd and I struggled to keep sight of Jasmine. I saw her turn towards the science hallway and I jogged to catch up with her.
      As soon as I was a couple of feet away, I paused to catch my breath before standing up straight and walking up to her. Before I was beside her,she asked "What do you want?"
    "I'm your tour guide,remember."
    At this,she groaned and rolled her eyes.
   "So, why don't you tell me about yourself? Like why you decided to come to my school." I said.
      "Don't flatter yourself,if I had known you went to school here,I would've bolted for the next middle school."
    "Why can't you just leave me alone? You made it pretty clear you hated me last time we talked."
      "Right,like I'm the one who decided that I just had to have classes with you. Like I'm the one following the new girl around like some stalker creep."
        I took a deep breath and said "Look,I know I didn't leave on good terms but why don't we just start on a fresh page,to avoid any more tension."
     "Sure. Like we can just wipe away all those memories just like that."she said with an edge to her voice.
     "I'm trying to be the better person here but you're not making it easy. I just want to clear everything up so that we can both coexist in this school without any problems."
    "It's a little too late for that, Rebec."
    "It's Becky." I corrected
    "Okay then Becky. If you don't mind,I have a class to get to and I wouldn't want to be late on my first day."
    "Do you even know where you're going?"
    "Don't worry your little head about me. I grew out of depending on you a while ago so I'll find my way like I always have." she said with a final tone before walking away.
      As annoyed as I felt,I just turned around and headed to my locker to get my stuff and go to my next class. I couldn't deal with her at that time so I decided to try again the next day.

BellaTrinitee again
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