I am not writing this book. Update.

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I have not written in this book in over a year so I am sure most of you could have seen this coming. I will no longer be writing this story even though I have started getting back into anime. The Naruto fandom is very toxic and I do not have a connection to this story anymore. 
I wanted to expand on my last update about why I do not write smut. While I do believe I am demisexual, I was also around 14/15 and being asked to write sex scenes for kids who were also 14-16, so minors. The issue wasn't just being asked though, it was also getting threats because I would "tease" the idea of them having sex, some even threatened to dox me if I did not write a sex scene. Luckily I never was doxxed nor did any of these people actually try to attack me or family, but not everyone gets so lucky. Understand that constantly telling a writer what to write does take the fun out of the stories. I have disconnected myself from this story and fandom due to the fact that I have gotten these threats. It makes it very hard to even try to write this story. So for those reason I also completely left this project behind. 

Thank you for all the support. 


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