A/N: We need to talk: Racism

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Okay, I'm not gonna lie. I HATE politics. I don't want to be involved with them and I don't even want to discuss them. However, there are certain topics that need to be discussed that aren't discussed enough.

And one of those topics is police brutality because of someone's race.

I don't know if all of you are aware of the current situation, but in Minneapolis there unfortunately was a situation of this that had just happened, where a black man was pinned to the ground by a white police officer and was ultimately killed when the officer applied brute force to this man's neck.

It's an appalling and disgusting thing that has happened and has happened regularly to people of color in America which I am unfortunately very disappointed in my country because of.

It may sound silly but as an American I do have a form of pride in my country, because obviously it's where I was born and where my roots are layed down, so I try to be as respectful as I can to it. But like most countries, it is far from perfect, we have, racism, sexism, bigotry, and prejudice, along with several other issues and I as an American am ashamed to see such things in my country.

I'm even more ashamed to see such heinous crimes committed by my own race. Yes I am white, I'm not too proud of it but there really isn't much I can do to change that. It really makes me upset when I see that corrupted people who behave like this are given a state of authority that they do not deserve. Not only are they killing people simply because of something as insignificant as skin color, they are also further expelling that stereotype that all white people are racist. I HATE that stereotype because much like asians who are labeled as mathematicians and or illiterate to english as well as blamed for our current pandemic, Hispanic people who are labeled as illegal aliens, and people from third world countries who are labeled as terrorists, I AM TIRED OF BEING LABELED AS A DISGUSTING PERSON WHO'S HEART IS FILLED WITH HATE AND I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THESE PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF BEING LABELED AS SUCH HORRIBLE THINGS THAT THEY THEMSELVES ARE NOT!!!

It's not fair to put someone into a category that they don't belong in and it sure isn't fair to kill someone because of the pigment of their skin!!

Skin is not a war flag or something insulting!! It is a thing that protects our internal organs from being exposed, it just so happens that it comes in different shades.

A surgeon can cut two bodies of two different races open for surgery and guess what? Everything on the inside is exactly the same. We all bleed, we all have hearts, brains, and veins.


As a white person I'm saying this because I know my privilege!! I know that even though in life I struggle financially and emotionally I do not have to worry about the same things that a colored person in America has to worry about! And it is not fair that our society is like this!!

I think there's a common misunderstanding with the term "white privilege". Usually when some white people hear it they automatically think that it means. Oh! all white people are filthy rich! They don't struggle financially or emotionally but a person of color does!! NO! That is the problem, White privilege doesn't refer to someone's financial or emotional state. Any person of any race can struggle financially, that's not a shock, only people of the upper class don't have those type of issues with money, yes, emotionally they may have issues, but not with money.

But this is not what the term "White Privilege" stands for. It means that in society, white people don't really struggle with issues like police brutality or racial profiling. Practically every victim of police brutality is a person of color. It's unfair and needs to be stopped, that is why I say it's time to get rid of the term 'privilege' once and for all. It's time to treat every single person like a human being, because that's what they are that's what we all are and no amount of melanin is going to change that.

We all bleed red and cry clear.

It's time to take a look at things through another person's eyes and see things from their perspective.

You know not too long ago I learned an interesting fact. Human beings are the only mammals that kill their own kind out of spiteful pleasure. We are the most intelligent population in the world, yet... we let petty stereotypes tear us apart from each other. Now, isn't that sad?

It's time to put an end to this and treat everyone as equals and respect our differences.

Every life is precious and we shouldn't treat another's life as any less. Life is a beautiful thing we shouldn't treat it as if it is an old newspaper to be casted away, because a lot of these people have someone in their life who's waiting for them to come home tonight and when people do these things, they're selfishly taking that modern, regular thing away from that person. It isn't right. That person's life matters to someone and us as people have no right to take it way from that person.

Think about this, what if your mom is waiting for you to come home to dinner, only to find out that she will never see you alive again.

You should never take someone's life away from them or their family.

That is all I have to say for now, I'm sorry for the author's notes spam in this book but there are things that just need to be said. I promise I'll have the next update soon when things are less busy. I love you guys and please stay safe.

Author nim out! ✌🏻💜

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