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Hi again! I'm sorry this chapter took a long time to come out I just have been very busy. But I hope you like it and hope to carry on reading when the next chapter comes out.
The silence carried on for 5 minutes and they wouldn't stop starring at me. I was starting to get very scared because I couldn't tell if they were happy or sad. The silence was really getting to me.

Then a very tall man knelt down in front of me and then everyone else followed. there was about thirty people in the room. I couldn't tell if they were kneeling down for me, the shadow boy or the weird woman who showed me in here. I heard whispers saying, "The prophecy has come true," or "The lost princess is here."

"I brought food!" the woman next to me screamed. Everyone cheered and she started passing the food around the very large table. I didn't move. I stood their being so confused I wasn't moving.

It took them about two minutes too notice I was staring at them weirdly. Most of them looked like warriors and could squash me with their feet, but there was about four young children only looking around eleven or twelve and they were dirty and hadn't eaten for days or weeks until now. The shadow boy was the first too notice that I wasn't joining in and he just stared at me and kept telling me to come over but I was just to scared and confused to join. I just wanted answers to what in the world was going on.

Everyone stared at me happily and they told me to eat with them. They all started to look like this was the first time they have eaten for the first time in days. I gave it a minute and then waked over to the table and sat down the spare seat, I could hear the parents of the children telling them stories of the girl, who is called The Lost Princess. Then very tall and strong men were talking in a completely different language.

I started eating and started looking around the big, but felt small, room it had paintings all around it. I could tell they were telling stories. But a certain painting caught my eye and the girl looked exactly like me. She had brown hair, purple eyes and red clothes on. I know that red is my favourite colour but I didn't realise I wore it that often or if that girl is even me.

"Who is that girl in the painting," I say loudly so everyone could. They did hear but I don't know if if its a thing around here but they stayed silent for quite a while.

Until the lady who brought me here says, "It's you, cant you tell." I answer pretending I wasn't expecting that answer, "Seriously that's me, why would I be on any such painting, I'm the quiet girl at school, I only have two friends and I love it that way. So how could me of all people be on a painting, have purple eyes and be welcomed like I'm someone special." There was absolute silence and I was starting to hate this silence, do these people even know how to do a conversation. One of the little kids shouted "You are the lost princess and you have come to save us.

Everyone stared at the child like he shouldn't of said that, but I was thankful for the child because at least I know what they think I'm doing here. The parents went back to there own conversations and the men started to play music. This really is some kind of weird place.

"Lily stop looking at everyone weirdly," the shadow boy tells me. "I would if I could, this place is very weird," I answer back not looking at him. If I am dreaming can I wake up now, I'm supposed to be grounded and I have went into a completely different world. When I thought this was what I was going to do on the christmas holidays I would have thought I was crazy.

The next few hours went by quite fast because I decided to talk to the moms of the children and they told me all about this world, or whatever it is. They told me that the king needs to get destroyed and he was the brother of the king who died, but no one believed he had died because a body had not been found. The son of the king wasn't as bad but he had murdered thirty people just because they didn't like him. I didn't really listen to them properly after that point because I couldn't get out of my mind why me of all people? Why do I look like The Lost princess? Why do they think the king who ran away had a daughter?
I also remembered I had a brother who is older than me, why isn't he here, he has the same blood as me.

It was nearly midnight and people were falling asleep in the room and I walked up the stairs into the forest. It was beautiful, the full moon was so close to us it felt like another planet, the stars glimmered across the kingdom making you feel like you are not alone in a confused world. The trees were all nearly bigger than the castle making you feel like you are below in this world. But it made me feel free, breathing new air, feeling the hard ground, feeling like you have found out your destiny.

I didn't go back to the house I decided to sit down leaning against a tree and looking at the sky, forgetting everything that had just happened and that was probably the best night I had, had in what felt like forever. It felt so quiet.

The sun was starting to rise so I decided to walk back to the house before anyone woke up but it turned out people in this world wake up quite early because they were all wide awake getting ready for the day. I kept my head down, trying to listen to what the shadow boy said, "Always keep your head down and don't talk to people." It was really hard because I really wanted to help these people, they didn't seem like they have had a bath or shower in weeks, there clothes were so dirty that you thought there clothes weren't white before. What had happened to them? That was just one more question in my mind of many hundred others.

When I walked past them they all stared at me, I was confused at first but then I realised I had really clean clothes and I had looked like I had ate in the past few days. The shadow boy could off gave me better clothes to fit in with everyone else. I got to the house hoping it was the same one as yesterday. I walked in to the shadow boy walking around like he's ready to beat someone up and the lady sitting down looking like she is worried about something.

"Are you both okay?" I ask. "Where have you been we have been worrying about you!" He screams at me. "Geez, I just decided to stay in the forest for the night, and when I tell you how beautiful it was, it was unbelievably outstanding." I answer. "Follow me." He says not letting me answer.

He picks up the carpet on the floor and lifts up a very small door and he goes down it following the lady then me following being scared for my life the 40th time I'm here. We walked down and it looked like a training room where you would learn to fight.

"Welcome to your first training lesson."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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