What's happening?

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Welcome to chapter 2 of my first story, i'm sorry if it isn't good, like I said this is my first one. but I hope you like it a lot.


I wake up from the dream screaming and sweating in places I thought I couldn't. My mum runs into my room freaking out as much as I was.

"Are you okay honey, what happened," my mum asks terrified. "Yes, it was just a bad dream," I say making sure she doesn't worry. "Why don't you come downstairs ill make you some coffee," my mum asks me as nicely as she could.

I nod and walk down to find my dad at the table staring at me worriedly.

"What is going on, why are you staring at me like that," I ask very suspiciously.

"We have noticed that you haven't been yourself the past couple of days and we have a week left on holiday so we want you to stay in the house until we go back and celebrate Christmas... at home instead," my dad stutters.

"WHAT?!" I scream and run back upstairs with tears in my eyes. I did feel like I over reacted but isn't this the christmas holiday. I slam the door behind me and start reading my book, but before I started reading I felt like I could here whispers coming from out the window. I couldn't understand it, it definitely wasn't Italian or English because they are the only languages I understand.

Instead of ignoring it like I usually do I try and follow where the whispering is coming from and go into the forest. After five minutes i realise I much further in the forest than i thought but i still wanted to follow the whispering to have answers to why I have felt like I was crazy the past 2 weeks. I get close to the lake and see a shadow on the other side, it was so clear to see. There was a leg this time I could see.

My legs felt like they had so much adrenaline suddenly so i started to run around the lake following the whispers with my black hair waving with the wind and my black trainers getting snow all over them. I stopped half way through to let myself breathe a little bit, I look around and see if the shadow is still there and it was and I was so happy about that. My red jacket definitely was starting not to keep me warm anymore so I carried on running around the lake. While I was close to where I was going I saw another shadow behind another tree but it looked different to other one, much taller and bigger. i stopped and stared at it and walked around the tree slowly but by the time i was on the other side nothing was there and the shadow was gone.

So I carried on running and I was very close to the shadow but the whispers started fading away the closer I got to the shadow. I wanted to follow the whispers but I wanted to follow the shadow as much as well. Then I decided just to follow the whispers first because I knew that the shadow would be somewhere else later.

"stop." The voice said in my head. "Don't follow the whispers, they're evil." "why, please answer," i cry out. "Just follow the shadow and I promise we will tell you everything, follow the field of roses," the voice repeated that until I finally turned around and followed the shadow. But the only thing that didn't make sense was that he carried on saying "follow the field of roses" which is very weird because its the middle of winter and theirs no roses anywhere.

I finally got to the shadow that was between the two trees. I walked through the two trees and everything changed it felt warm like spring and it was sunny with no snow on the ground. I looked around and saw the the field of roses with shadows everywhere. I felt like I recognised it but couldn't figure out from what. The whispers started again and they sounded a lot louder this time that before, this time I ignored it though and went through the field of roses. I felt beautiful and happy for the first time in forever. The sun shined on my red jacket like it was a heat wave and the leaves on the trees waved with the calm wind in the air. The roses were beautiful all around me and felt like they never ended.

"Dont stop walking even if the whispers are talking," the voice shouts this time. I do exactly what it says and walk all the way to the other side of the field forgetting that i should be at the house in my bedroom right now.

I saw a guy who looked about a year older than me and he was very handsome, and he made me even blush a little bit when I was walking towards him. He wore a black t-shirt with a black leather jacket with also black jeans, his hair was short and wavy with his black hair and his blue eyes looking like they were glowing against all the black.

"Hello, I'm Lily," i say. "I know we have been waiting for your time to come," he says to me. "We! i'm very confused why am i here? This isn't some kind of cult is it!?" I say that without taking a breath. "Like I said you will get answers but first you will need to follow me. Oh and also dont worry if its morning where your family is time works different here," he says with a chuckle at the end.

Now I am very confused one there was more than one person two i'm in a very weird place that is is in spring instead of winter and three that there is a guy who is very handsome welcoming me to a place in the middle of know where and i'm sure that there is not a town near by because all I can see is trees, roses and the sun.

I follow him through the trees until he stops and just stands there for 30 seconds.

"Why are you just standing there," I ask with a lot of suspicion. He doesn't answer.

We stood there for about 5 minutes until a invisible clear wall opens doors into a city full of happy people and children running around laughing. I walked inside and saw a massive castle at the top of the mountain. "Welcome princess," he says smiling.

The Lost Princess (changed name)Where stories live. Discover now