There's allot that can be said, when man finds his reason. He no longer blindly follows what everyone believes in.
His thirst for knowledge can only be quenched when served raw and deduces every idea down to it's flaw.
He addresses every encounter using physics law, against law, rules set in place by nature, that always leaves him in awe.
Nature of all humans are defined in the stars, men see men as equals unless driven by cause.
A man's cause can be noticed as burdens on his shoulders, driven with true purpose a boy becomes a soldier.
Really fighting for meaning unknowingly deplorable,
What is it? In man that stops progression, because the price is obviously not affordable.Unavoidable, these circumstances formed from reality, choices we're forced to make without the time to actually speak. Therefore he shouldn't unless given time to ponder, which in return gives him respectable choices of words to be honored.
The Universe is Mental--held in the Mind of THE
ALL, know your ever evolving spirit has been brought to a stall. Place your mind over matter because they all change in time, Know that the entire universe is but the creation of it's mind,
Study the teachings of ancient ones is the same as the teachings of man, try and understand they passed on their teachings for us to limitlessly understand.You can pivot at the slight of hand making necessities priority. "I" in it's own sense record through imagery, all of existence accordingly.
Man's mind is like a child holding to religion, which is "all" still he doesn't know.
That the "I" differentiates from "me" because of the phenomenon "as above so below"There's more to man like there is more for the universe to say, Godlike creatures recorded their information to make man equal as they.
Man rebirths into higher beings therefore death is rebirth in mind,The Universe is your home, and you shall explore its farthest recesses before the end of Time.
the pains, of the lower planes by vibrating up higher.
The king truly overcomes when he separates himself from desire.
Dive through science and other subjects when the need for wisdom calls,
Does man know yet that
Universe is a mental creation from the ALL.
Before he revolts remember he is not the all, because his sensations are absolute, Yet matter exist not, according to the truth of scientific view.You only know what the "all" recalls because time is still, its you that's in motion.
Trapped within this vibrational consciousness dwelling along the lands and oceans.Mentally linked along a path that can be sensed if we notice, know that all matter of what you percieved is energy in motion.
It's a pendulum with polarities in all of its meaningful existences.
Resides in all philosophies, creeds, governments, death and birth in instances
Day to night, Summer to fall, the pendulum swings through polarities.
Nothing is stopped only unpercievablely slow as is all solid matters of energy.
The only true question becomes what is the purpose of all.
A question for the ages man instinctively recalls.
Blasphemous to give "all" a face the disgrace should bring shame,
All has been misinterpreted, misrepresented and given a new name.
Those minds unaware as yours will demand demonstration.
Your words should speak only truth while you maintain Neutralization.The will is more stronger than the pendulum of feelings, grasp the why you strive for the things you find appealing.
The path of all is written in the stars which is man's original ceiling, he must respect himself to respect others, that is the beginning of his healing.
The beginning of true feeling as he wills matter as much as he can.
He must revert back to his original conscious that awoken his awareness with "I AM".Humble yourself before fellow men when they require demonstration,give the master-key to these dimly known regions of mental operation and manifestation.
This knowledge was always considered sacred,
But now man cannot deny it's need to be stated.
His need to be reminded that this life isn't the end.
If the majority focus instead of lusting we see that evolution has nothing and everything to do with kin.
Death is commonly known as the end, but it's truly the Evolution or involution of mental life.
This knowledge we can withstand, death is a necessary polarity of physical life.
Wisdom that's not in use causes suffering from his own knowledge and natural forces of today.
Cultivate the Art of Attention, by means of the Will and you have solved the secret of Moods and Mental States.