Chapter 1: Mystery

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Aoi's POV

The pounding, echoing beats of my heart made me worrisome. Was it right to leave the note here? My hands grew a bit shaky as I stood right in front of his locker. We never truly spoke to each other directly- much less hold a proper conversation. Though he haunts my mind. Day and night. Despite him looking somewhat savage and wild... my heart yearned for him. 

I take a deep breath, letting it go slowly. A clear mind. A clear mind. A few more deep breaths- in and out. My hands continued to shake, but it wasn't as bad as earlier. I take a step forward, slowly raising the letter into the locker's slits. Just like a piece of mail, I pushed the letter inside. The shuffling as it fell- the impact echoed inside the locker. 

There was no doubt that he wouldn't see it- he was required to go through his locker to put his belongings inside. The deed was done. My confessions for him were sealed in that letter. My name wasn't signed- I was a coward to not put my name there. But then... was I being a coward by not marking a target across my back...? That's the problem.

No matter how many times I ran it through my head... I might've confessed through a letter- but would he accept it? Yes or no? 

Echoing through the nearly empty halls- the school bell rung to display the opening of the school gates. I gasped in fear, running off towards the student council room and waited there. My attempts to cool my heavy breathing and my red face were almost unsuccessful. The shame of sending a letter to him continued to haunt me.

Why did I do it? What if he finds out? All these questions were haunting me so much. I was just... so... confused...

*   *   *

Inosuke's POV

"I'm not listening!"

"Inosuke, I'm trying to help you!"

"Gonpachiro- I swear, I don't need help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as we approached closer to the school entrance. Some kids were already passing us- running at top speed. Maybe they needed something from the school so much they needed to be here early. "That's why I don't want to listen!"

The blonde boy walked ahead, shaking his head. "Gah! I can't take it anymore! I'm deserting you- peace out!" He says so quickly that he sprinted off.

Gonpachiro shook his fist at him. "Zenitsu! Wait! Don't you dare run off! Don't you dare do it! Nezuko, hold onto me!"

They darted ahead, leaving me behind. I growled, shaking my fist in the air. "Don't run off without me! Hyah!!!"

Seconds later, I arrived at my locker. Taking a deep breath, I put myself into the mindset that I will pass today. Today should be easy- just as easy as dozing off. The second I inputted the code- something fell out. A white envelope?

Taking it into my hands, I carefully opened it, wondering what it was about. No name was written on it- except my own. The ink was... wonderful. How my name was written... only someone elite would write like this way.

 I opened it- tearing it a bit. 

"For every flower is unique- by its appearance and scent. Each butterfly pairing is also unique- searching for its unique flower.

I believe I had found my unique flower, Inosuke Hashibira.

Though your appearance may be something that someone would hate you-I don't believe my feelings for you is based on hatred.My heart flutters for you-I doubt I could hear its fluttering go mute whenever my eyes had laid on you. I may be encased within my own cocoon...

But one day, I promise that I shall emerge.

Emerge and spread my wings.

I shall take my first flight towards you.
Do not fret-
For butterflies aren't able to hurt such a unique flower as yourself.

Yours truly,"

"Huh...? What is this?"

I scowled a bit, reading all over the note. What was this about? Who's letter was this? Why does it have my name on it? Most importantly... who dares to sign a letter without their name?!

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