28)Christmas Party

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The cottage was cute. Secluded. A big garden and the nursery was coming along great. I was lonely, but I know I won't have to be for long. I'm at twenty weeks, twenty more to go. Christmas was around the corner and Nat was forcing me to spend it at the tower.

I have a bump now and so I was reduced to wearing leggings and over sized jumpers. My favourite.

I find out the gender today and so I'm going to surprise everyone at the Christmas party. Well, anyone who knew- that is if Tony hadn't told everyone.

No one except Loki and Nat knew where I lived and I was going to keep it that way. Actually I'm sure Tony knows but name one thing he doesn't know. I went out shopping for baby clothes yesterday- it was exhausting. Kind of upsetting but I did it.

I have a few pictures around the house. The first baby scan. The team. Uncle Loki and auntie Natasha. I even have a few pictures of Bucky and I...

I was stood outside the doors leading to the main room. This is terrifying. Luckily my bump wasn't noticeable with my- uhm someone else's jumper on. I shouldn't have worn this. Why did I wear this again? Ugh I'm so stupid!

I finally opened them.

"I JUST SAW A GHOST!" Thor screams catching everyone's attention. There was a huge table lay down and almost everyone was sat around it.

"Rouge!" Clint jumped up followed by Sam and they ran over to hug me.

"Hey guys" I grin hugging them back.

"Be careful!" Tony shouted and ran pushing them away. I almost face palmed. "She's sensitive" He tried to play it off.

"Rouge!" Loki grinned as he saw me.

"Hey! You're back" I walk to him and hug him. "How you been?" He went back to Asgard not long after I left.

"Absolutely bored without you to bother" I roll my eyes. "How long?" he asks in a lower voice.

"20" I grin and he grins back.

After saying hello to Bruce, Thor and Nat we all sat at the table. "Where's Steve and Barnes?" Act as if everything's okay and it will be.

"Right here" I turn around and smile at Steve as he walks in, Bucky behind.

"Hi!" I grin as he swoops down to hug me. I look at Bucky. "How are you?" Act like everything's okay, and it will be.

He looked shocked as I spoke to him and answered unsure, "I'm fine. Uhm, how are you?"

"Good!" I grin and turn around. I notice everyone staring at me and Bucky like we were their favourite TV show. I glare at them and they go back to minding their own business.

As Bucky sits down- right in front of me- he eyes me suspiciously. "So, where have you been?"

"Home" I smile. Act like everything's okay and it will be.

"Home?" I nod. "I thought this was home..." There was an awkward silence around the table.

"Alright! Who's ready for food?" Steve shot up. "Rouge, mind helping me?" I get up too.

"Did I say something wrong?" I ask as I grab a platter of food.

"No... it's just been hard. Everyone's been acting different. Only seeing you through a camera isn't what people bargained for" I look down.

"I'm sorry. I've just been preoccupied" I look down.

"I get it. But not everyone knows so... and I didn't tell him"

"I'm grateful for that" I smile.

We walk back into the room and thankfully the awkward atmosphere had left. We all ate happily and like a family. "I missed you guys" I smile, I raise my glass of champagne- which I wasn't drinking!. "To family" I smile.

"To family" The glasses touch and everyone takes a sip as I put mine down.

"Okay, where's my Rouge?" Clint joked playfully.

"What do you mean?" I giggle.

"You haven't even touched your champagne, usually you would be on your second glass by now" I laugh with the others.

"I don't drink anymore" Because surprise, I'm pregnant!

"Seriously!" Sam gaped. I shrug and took a bite of my food.

"Oh shoot!" I quickly get up as Thor spilled some of his drink over my jumper. Why did I sit between him and Loki?

"I'm sorry Lady Rouge!" I smile.

"It's fine, I'll go and change"

"You're only wearing a jumper, take it off I made sure to turn the AC up" Bruce said.

"Uhm... I'm too cold" I laugh nervously.

"Here take my jumper" Thor said taking him off and giving it to me. I look to Loki for help.

"It's fine, I'll help the drama queen" He stands up and I follow him.

"Are you two together then?" It wasn't Bucky who asked surprisingly, it was Sam.

"No?" Loki answers, eyebrows furrowed.

"Why do you always run off together? You did it before too" Clint jumps in.

"We're just good friends" I say smiling through gritted teeth. I look at Natasha, Steve and Tony for help this time.

"She's put weight on!" Tony blurted out. "She's fat and self-conscious" I'm fat?

"You just called her fat!" Bucky stood up angrily.

"Wait Buck he didn't mean to be rude" Steve got up too. I'm fat?

"He called her fat! That's completely rude!"

"Well she has gotten big" Nat jumped in. I'm fat?

"I'm FAT!" I start to cry and everyone looks at me in shock. "I'm not fat you stupid cunts! I'll bloody chop your dicks off and make you eat them!" They look scared, good.

"Are you alright doll?" Bucky asked coming towards me.

"Fine!" I growl. I push past everyone and run to guest room I was staying in. I take the wet jumper off and search for a new one.

"You're pregnant?" I freeze before turning around to face Clint. "YOU'RE PREGNANT!"

"Shut up!" I exclaim, freaking out.

"You're pregnant and you didn't even tell me!" he was hurt.

"I'm sorry... Not many people know?" he still looks hurt.

"Who's the dad?" I don't answer. "Just get a jumper on and lets go back" He walks away and I feel ashamed. I shouldn't be keeping this from them. What happens when I'm huge and waddling. Or when I have a baby with me.

I walk back into the main room to see everyone settled down on the sofas about to watch a movie. "Oh Rouge, do we watch Home Alone or Last Christmas?"

I don't answer and stand up in front of anyone. "Hello! Earth to RKade!"

"I'm pregnant"

No one spoke. It was silent. So I took the jumper off.

"I'm twenty weeks pregnant"

Benefits with Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now