Chapter Thirteen

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The Cutest Privacy Invasion Ever

For this plan, James, Sirius and Remus decided to work it as a trio and luckily, Peter and Exie didn't seem to mind too much.

"Don't worry, it's nothing personal," Sirius explained as the five of them walked to Hogsmeades the next day, "It's just we were the only ones there yesterday and we planned the perfect scheme for three..."

Exie gave a genuine laugh, "I already said it's fine, we're allowed to do separate things. Truthfully, I could do with sitting this one out, shopping with the girls yesterday really tired me out. You don't think it will but changing clothes about seventy times really drains you."

"It was so much fun though!" Peter squealed, "I still can't believe Jessamy bought the top I picked out!"

"It was a nice top," Exie admitted, "The girls were very impressed with your colour choices, Peter, apparently you opened their minds to new possibilities."

"Funny, I do that to girls too but not with clothes..." Sirius exchanged a grin with James.

Remus hadn't really been listening, addressing the group with his own question, "Is it alright if before we head to the Three Broomsticks for brunch, we stop by Dervish and Bangs then Zonkos? I've got a few things to buy."

"I'm fine with that," Exie said with a shrug, "Is this for your plan then?"

James grinned, "It is, we're making listening devices for Severus. That way we don't have to be even close to hear what they're saying, we can just pin the bugs to their cloaks or hair and BOOM! We can hear whatever we want whenever we want."

"Maybe not that far..." Remus reminded him again with a grimace, "I told you they'll probably only work for a short time as we're going to have to make them from scratch."

"Hey, we managed a pretty snazzy map," James grinned, "How hard can these really be?"

"More complex than you think," Remus admitted gravely, "Plus for the map it took us months and that was with five of us working on it. If we're going to work quickly before Severus has time to carry out a plan, we'll have at most a few weeks. They won't be as good, it's a simple fact."

"Surely there must be some already available," Peter said, "I'm sure I've seen something like that in spy movies when I wasn't covering my eyes. If Muggles have them, then we must do."

"The Ministry probably do I reckon but they're not widely available to the public, unfortunately," Remus replied, "A device like that would be a pretty big violation of privacy."

"Good thing we have you then," Sirius put his arm around him, "A genius with a good attention span and no morals - "

"Hey, I do have morals unlike you two - "

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