Chapter Seventeen

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Coral the Cat Burglar

"Sirius, we need to get to the dorm right now. I have no idea what she wants but Coral's up there for a reason and whatever the hell she's after she's gone through an awful fucking lot of trouble to get it..."

At his words, the boy paled, "Shit... Remus is up there."

There was no time to waste, they had to move. Leaving their temporary ally, Snivellus Snape in a room full of hormonal teenage girls, Sirius and James sprinted off at breakneck speed. Peter looked even more baffled than before to see them running out.

"Can you explain what's - "


"Oh, okay!" Peter quickly tailed them, "Please slow down a bit, I have little legs!"

They complied and kindly slowed to a power walk. Sirius led the way, not stopping as he turned around to look over his shoulder, "James, check the map, see if she's still there."

"On it," He obliged, reciting the incantation before confirming, "She is."

"Then we need to be prepared," Sirius said darkly, pulling his wand out of his pocket.

"Hey, don't hurt her though, let her talk first."

"James, if she's hurt Remus then it's really not up to you what I do, you got that?" The message was received loud and clear, James knowing not to mess with this.

The three of them slowed their pace as they walked up the stairs to the dorm, Sirius putting a finger to his lips as they approached. No sound came from within but when they checked, Remus and 'Exie' were allegedly still there.

Although they'd explained along the way, Peter still seemed a little confused. To be fair, James didn't blame him, he was still not sure quite what was happening and he was living it.

"Um... is there a chance the Exie in the dorms is the real one?"

"I mean ... yeah but it's unlikely," James replied, "Why would Coral go through all the trouble of changing her name just to go on a date with Lily?"

"You evacuated a school for her so - "

"Peter, let's not mention that right now!" James interrupted a bit flustered.

Sirius's gaze was pinned on the closed door, "I'm going to go in first, follow my lead."

Still a little concerned that his best friend might murder Coral on sight for a) pimping him out against his will and b) being in the same room as Remus, James quickly stood next to him. He gave his friend's shoulder a squeeze.

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