Welcome home

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It's been years since the couple been though some things mike is out the picture ,just friends with no benefits ....
"Ken pov"
I'm finally home ,life is good I'm happily married I have a full time job as a doctor aka doctor minner I deliver babies !! like today I delivered twins ,It was hard the first baby didn't want to come out ,I took more than 6 hours to deliver normal ,I work a 12 hour shift,I'm tired ass hell I miss my baby morgan, I walk out the room to get ready to go home .
Nurse Kate " hey doctor minner wait up ,
Doctor minner" o hello Kate what's the matter
Nurse Kate " the patient is really annoyed of her stitches in her upper corner on the belly ,do you suggest anything to help it .
Doctor minner " yes thanks for asking Kate, there is some baby milk cream in my office you can rub that on her it should help if not melt it and do the same .
Nurse Kate " thanks doctor have a good one and tell the wife I said hello.
Doctor minner " you to Hun and I will.
I finally get out the building walking to my car and I run into my cousin Gina ,
Hey big G what's going on
Gina " nothing I'm fat I'm ready to have this baby
Ken " I feel you cousin , I'm working on mine
Gina " good luck Hun it's going be work.
""It's been a couple months talking to my cousin ,cause her ass steady having babies ,that's baby number 9 ,all I can do is support and worry about working on mine ,morgan got me saving up money and long hours of shifts to plan this baby hood stuff,and I promise her all this crap but I hope she is ready ..
I finally get into my car throwing my suit case into the back and shuts my door Turing up my radio and driving off,I took the short cut home ,I can't deal with the traffic after work its 12.07 and people are driving slow ,I finally hit my neighborhood ,I drive slow cause these kids don't be in the house these moms need to get them ,I hit my driveway and I see my baby car and the kitchen light is on.
"Walks in"
Ken" hey bae " gives Morgan a kiss"
Morgan" hey stick butt
Ken" what you been up to .
Morgan " nothing I wash my hair ,looked at tv ,took lil man to my moms for the weekend and I just got off the phone with your mom
Ken" what did you guys talk about
Morgan " the same thing about another Baby
Ken" o lord
Morgan " shut up noodle face.
Morgan pov"" I'm glad me and my baby got back toghther,Im fully happy ,me and mike wasn't working, the police finally caught her ,our whole relationship was a lie I was playing the victim,I told Ken the whole story and she understood the whole situation.
Ken" what's up with the nick names yo,
Morgan" shut that shit up ,you love them nick names .anyway I wanna wait on the baby thing
Ken" what you mean ,I saved all this money and work these long hours FOR WHAT Morgan huh!!
Morgan " well we have lil man ,and I wanna get away like a vacation before this baby thing.
Ken" I guess man I will wait for you, I love you
Morgan " I love you more noodle face
" pulls Ken to her lips "

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