XXXVI. The Fall

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A/N: Decided to combine this chapter and the next into one, so this one's a long one! Also - This chapter contains strong suggestive themes!


Darko was extremely vexed as he made his way to his commander's office. Just what was the man after now? Did he have to keep interrupting his every moment? Why couldn't he at least come visit him in person instead?

For what felt like the millionth time that month he raised his fist to the man's oak wood door, giving several hard raps against it.

"Come in," came the older man's muffled voice from the other end.

Swiftly he turned the doorknob, making a bold entrance into the room.

The older man abruptly looked up from his desk and the paper in front of him, dropping the pen in his hand as he did so. As Darko eyed the paperwork the man placed his palm over the top of it, dragging it closer to himself.

"Darko," the man said, breaking into a crooked smile as they made eye contact.

"Sands," Darko responded, a slight bite to his own tone. He shifted his weight on his cane, impatiently rocking on the heels of his shoes.

"I assume you're looking for your progress report," he continued. "I have been coaching the generals individually for the ceremony. Each of them has demonstrated promising potential, and I am confident we are ready for His rise in the scheduled two days' time. I—"

"Actually," Mr. Sands interrupted, raising his hand slightly to indicate silence. "I have called you about a different matter. A more personal one, if you will."

"Oh?" Darko raised an eyebrow.

The man gave a sigh. "This is in regard to your relationship, with one of your generals."

Darko instantly stiffened, every one of his vessel's muscles growing taut.

"I don't know what you mean."

The dark-haired man in front of him cast him a small smile, before bowing his head. "I find that slightly hard to believe, seeing what I've been reading off my worker's minds."

Darko darted his head to the side, uncomfortably shifting from side to side. Of course, he thought to himself with a grimace. How could he have forgotten?

"I don't see how any of this is worthy of your concern, though," he finally countered. "It's nothing at all, Sands. I don't recall anyone establishing a policy against casually fooling around."

"But is that really all it is?"

Darko gave a scoff, raising his chin. Could his commander even hear himself? His suggestions were preposterous!

"Of course," he responded affirmatively.

"Hmm," the older gentleman mused. He took a glance down at the paperwork before him, picking it up as he neatly straightened out the stack.

"I would beg to differ... considering what I witnessed of you the other night. If I didn't know better, I would say you have developed feelings towards her. Dependence, even."

Immediately the redhead went silent. He thought it was Sand's presence he'd detected there with them, the other night out on the docks. How could he have been so stupid as to brush it off? If only she hadn't pushed him to—

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