Chapter 24

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I'm Back!!! This time around we had 18 different People comment which is freaking AWESOME! And a whopping 129 comments including my own. WOW. Thank you all so much for the support.

Do you think we can top that? I do!

Finally Tony and Peter are back together. It took them long enough. I hope you enjoy.

No trigger warnings.

Peter curled into Tony as the man carried him into the mansion. The boy never thought he would be so glad to see this place again.

He was wrapped in Tony's suit jacket to cover up his nakedness and was starting to notice the wounds covering his body from head to toe. Even his genitals had not been spared from Thanos' wrath. He hurt all over.

"PETER!" A voice shouted

The boy turned to see aunt May come running at him, tears streaming down her face, wearing a loose man's white t-shirt and baggy sweatpants.

"May?" he croaked out.

"Yea it's me, sweetheart."

Peter couldn't stop himself and reached for her. She hugged him back tightly, they both ignored the fact that he was stark naked under the suit jacket. It wasn't important, seeing each other, touching each other was.

"I thought you were-"

"Me too." Aunt May responded.

"I'm so glad you're here. Are you ok? Did he hurt you?"

"No no, I'm fine, He just wanted to talk about you."

"Well he's gone now, so we never have to worry about him again."

"Gone?" May shook her head. "No, I don't want to know. I'm just glad you're here and safe."

"I am thanks to you."

"No, not just me-"

"Without you." Peter interrupted "None of this would have been possible. You saved me again May. Thank you."

Fresh tears streamed down her eyes.

"I hate to interrupt this touching moment, but I think it would be best if I could get Peter into the bath," Tony said from where he was still holding Peter in his arms.

"Oh, of course." May hastened to step back and out of their way. "Let me just grab the first aid kit supplies."

"May?" Peter said.

"Yes, Peter?"

"Is it ok if Tony helps me."

"I don't-"

"May, Please." Peter cut in, begging with his eyes. He didn't want May to see the extent of his injuries, not after everything she had already been through.

She let out a sigh but nodded in acquiescence.

Tony walked the two of them up the main staircase and towards the master bedroom. Peter rested his head against the man's collar bone and nuzzled his nose into Tony's neck breathing him in.

They had talked a little bit on the car ride back, but most of it had been spent in silence, just basking in each other's presence. Honestly, Peter wasn't sure what to say. You abandoned me, I didn't think you were going to come, thank you for coming, I love you.

But maybe it was easier to say nothing at all.

They entered the master bedroom, the place bringing back flashbacks to Peter. The morning after being rescued, running away from the punishment, the bathroom where Peter had had his last orgasm (A great time to remember he had raging blue balls).

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