Chapter Nineteen

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It took several arguments and an interruption by Melissa who has been captured by Deucalian for the group to form a plan. Stiles, Derek, Cora, and Jennifer are going to the parking garage so they can get both Cora and Jennifer away from the hospital. Meanwhile, Charlie, Peter, and Scott are to stay behind and head off the alphas. Most of the arguing came after Charlie declared she wasn't leaving but Derek had no choice but to leave her behind. Jennifer won't leave without him.

"Stay behind us," Scott says as Peter barrels through the double doors high on whatever drug they just plunged into his chest.

Charlie waits until he is on the other side of the doors before turning the other direction. When she hears the elevator doors close, she quickly runs past them and away from the sounds of fighting coming from the other side of the wall. The plan to get Jennifer out will fail but there's something Charlie can do to make sure it will succeed.

Of all the places she wants to be, the morgue isn't even anywhere near her list. She squares her shoulders and pushes one of the swinging doors open. Deucalian stands two tables away from the entrance with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. Beside him, looking appropriately terrified, is Melissa.

"Charlotte Kavanagh," Deucalian says as Charlie enters the morgue. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I've come to offer a deal," she says while purposely keeping her eyes away from Melissa.

"What could you have to offer me?"

Charlie stares him down with very little emotion in her eyes. "My abilities."

"So they have began, have they?" He walks around the tables until he's standing in front of her. "I always knew how special you were. Even when you were just a human little girl with no extraordinary gifts."

"You get my abilities but I have conditions."

Deucalian smiles. "I would be disappointed if you didn't."

"First, let Melissa go," Charlie says. She finally allows her eyes to settle on the older woman who is currently frantically shaking her head. Charlie ignores her. "I want you to let Jennifer Blake leave this hospital in one piece and give her enough time to save Cora. Then, my first mission as part of your pack will be to find my friend's dad and stop Jennifer."

"It's a tempting offer," he says as he turns away from her. "But I'm going to have to decline."

Of all the answers she expected, this was not one of them. She expected negotiations. Not a flat out refusal. She takes a step forward just as he whips his walking cane around. A piece of sharp metal slices into her face and Charlie stumbles backwards from the shock of the attack.

Before she can regain her bearings, a strong hand grabs the back of her neck and slams her head into the metal table with enough force that her vision darkens around the edges. Charlie's breathing is erratic and her heart beats wildly under her chest. For the first time tonight, she's truly afraid. Her cheeks is pulled away from the table and she's aware of the smeared blood before he slams her into the table once again.

Pain explodes in her head and her legs buckle under her. The only things keeping her up is the table and Deucalian's grip on her neck. Whatever fight she had while taking on Jennifer has completely left her. Deucalian could kill her and there's nothing she could do to stop it.

"Do you honestly think I don't know?" His claws dig into her skin and she gasps involuntarily. "I wanted you when you would be at your prime. When there were years left. Not mere months. You are no use to me."

Deucalian pulls her up so that her face is only inches from his. He's smiling but she can feel the anger emanating off from him. He caught her in her game. She feels his hand tighten and he slams her head against the metal again. This time, he let's go and she slumps to the floor and into a numbing darkness.



"Guys, she doesn't look so good."

"She looks like she's had her skull cracked open."

"Feels like it too," Charlie says in a dry, cracked voice. She opens her eyes to find Argent, Isaac, and Allison kneeling beside her and wearing identical looks of concern. "Where's Melissa?"

"Right here," the woman says as she and Scott enter the room. Judging by the panting, they ran.

Argent wraps an arm under Charlie's shoulders. "Okay. Let's get her to her feet."

Getting Charlie up isn't the problem. The problem is keeping her up. When her body is vertical and her head at her full height, she feels the full extent of her head injury and sways on the spot. If not for Isaacs quick hands, she would have face planted on the floor. Her heart drops as she realizes she's now a helpless burden.

She spots a nearby chair and with Issac's aid she collapses into it. Everyone else gathers around the table to discuss what's happening. According to what she's hearing, the plan to get Jennifer out of the hospital didn't go very well. Meaning she's still inside the building and trapped in an elevator with Derek.


"I don't even think I know which teacher this is," Argent says finally.

Isaac is quick to fill him in. "She's... she's the one with the brown hair. She's kind of hot." Five pairs of eyes snap up at him and he realizes what he's said. "No, it's jus... just an observation."

"We need a new plan to get Jennifer out of here," Charlie says from her corner of the room.

"I actually think I have an idea," Allison says as she stares at her reflection in the glass. "Ms. Blake's hair is about the color and length as mine. If the alphas don't see my face, they won't know it isn't her fleeing the building."

"Okay," Charlie says. She forces herself to her feet, gripping onto the table for support. "Let's do this."

"No, not you," Scott says just as Argent says, "You are not helping with this."

Charlie gapes at the two men. "What? I can't just sit here and do nothing."

"Right now, that's about all you *can* do," Melissa says. At Charlie's outraged state, the woman frowns apologetically. "Charlie, you had your head slammed into a metal table by a werewolf. Three times. You can't even stand without holding onto something."

"Isaac will take you to my car," Allison says before turning to the werewolf. "Be ready."

Whatever protests Charlie might have are ignored. Isaac lifts the blonde off her feet and carries her out of the room while the others dart off to carry out their parts of the plan. She rests her head against his shoulder. If she's honest, the three blows to the head have left her in a daze.

"Hey, Isaac."


"Remind me not to pick a fight with an alpha again."

A/N: I'm skipping the last little bit of the hospital episodes. They will be glossed over in the next chapter but I struggle to get this chapter out. Also, I'm closing in on a title for the next book. I will try to decide before this book ends but if I don't I'll announce it in my new story Exposed when I start posting chapters for it. As always, thanks for reading!!

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