I spoke once of the symbolism of a lotus,
How they rose through the mud,
How they symbolized rebirth.
And on my birthday,
A white jade lotus necklace was sent to me,
To remind me of my journey and that I'd emerged.
Despite the coolness of the jade,
Every time my fingers ran over it
They would warm at the thought of you.
Its beauty could have rivaled the real,
But you had been the sender,
For which I will be forever grateful.
Knowing it was you though that had sent it,
I can't bring myself to wear it anymore.
Because now I will continue rising.
Separation of Fate
PuisiThere are three levels of fate, and for each, there is a lesson to learn. Higher fate for the good in life, the middle fate for the middle ground, and lower fate which are the ones that we learn the most lessons from. Each form of fate offers us a l...