Meeting the beast made of steel.

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Night time at a bar in the base.

Avrora and forest are seen drinking together.

Avrora: hehehe comrade have some more! *drinks vodka.*

Forest: *drinks beer from his mug in one go.* That hits the spot!

Avrora: fuah! I know right comrade. *blushes from the vodka.*

Forest: *smiles and rubs her head before ordering a mug full of beer. *

Avrora: *blushes* hehehe...

Forest: *takes the mug and stops as he hears the music.* I know this song.

Jukebox: *plays sabaton*

Forest: *Stands up* Everybody,  first round on me!

the crowds roar in excitement which are few as only a few are there. A single union destroyer, several from Ironblood and some sakura empire ships.

Forest: *sings along with the song* From the mist, a shape, a ship, is taking form

Forest: And the silence of the sea is about to drift into a storm

Forest: *Stands up and raises his beer mug* Sign of power, show of force!

Forest: Raise the anchor, battleship's plotting its course

Ironblood ships: *nods and raises their mugs.*

Iron blood ships: Pride of a nation!

Forest: a beast made of steel!

Ironblood and Forest: Bismarck in motion, king of the ocean.

*nods and raises their mugs, Sakura empire ships along with Avrora and Laffey, raise their drinks as well.*

Iron blood:He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas!

Forest: To lead the war machine!

Iron blood and forest: To rule the waves and lead the Kriegsmarine!

Iron blood and forest: The terror of the seas!

Iron blood and Forest: The Bismarck and the Kriegsmarine!

Forest: smiles and downs a mug in one go.


A blonde girl is seen blushing as she looks down

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A blonde girl is seen blushing as she looks down.

?: Schwester, are you alright?

Bismarck: *blushes* I'm fine Schwester...

Tirpitz: *holds her chin* Hmm, I would've never thought for Kommandantin be charismatic 

Bismarck: Ja Schwester.

Forest: *approaches and drunk.* Guten abend Frauleinns. *smiles at them, his shades gone and dressed in casual wear.* wanna drink with us?

Tirpitz: Oh, and who are you with?

Forest: *points at the drunk Avrora.*

Avrora: *waves happily*

Bismarck: *looks at Forest with a blush.*

Tirpitz: *notices this.* Ja!

Bismarck: Schwester!!!

(timeskip  a few hours later.)

Avrora: *passed out while hugging her vodka.*

Forest: *pokes Avrora cheeks and smiles* Seems like someone already passed out.

Bismarck: *looks at the passed out Tirpitz.* *hic* Seems like my *hic* Schwester is out too.

Forest: Hehe... I never wouldve have thought... that I would meet one of the most strongest and beautiful battleships here.

Bismarck: *hic* You're not a bad Kommandantin...

Forest: *smiles and puts his mug down.* heh! A strong leader like you deserves a place in valhalla.

Bismarck: *blushes and pouts**hic* don't tease me....

Forest: *smiles and stands up* we should *hic* go home now *picks Avrora up*

Bismarck: Ja, You're right kommandantin. *smiles and shakes tirpirz*  Schwester wake up.

Tirpitz: *wakes up* ughh.... Scweshter? wie spät ist es *looks around groggily.*

Forest: *nods at the both of them and leaves while carrying avrora on his back*

Bismarck: Kommandantin really is an interesting person.

Tirpitz: ja? what are you talkingabout schwester.

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