Training with windle-chan.

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Forest looked at Windle-chan as he held him up by his hair. windle-chan tried to punch him but was thrown away by his uncle.

F: Come on is that it? I didn't even break a sweat.

W-chan: Never!

Forest smiled and grabbed his nephews head and slammed him to the ground causing the child to white out. Forest smiled and threw his lollipop away before kicking his nephew's legs who groaned as he stood up.

F: Okay, this is today's endurance training.

W-chan: No! I can still!

Windle-chan was interrupted as a very hard punch hit his gut. He coughed up some blood and passed out but was caught by Forest who smirked.

F: You're gonna go far kid.

(Next day)

A fully healed windle-chan groaned as he swam towards an island from the beach with heavy weights around his body as Forest sniped him with his rifle as soon as he slows down.

F: Move! Don't you fucking dare slow down.

W-chan: Yes sir!

(scene change)

We see Forest brutally beating Windle-chan who was barely able to keep up he tripped and that caused him to be grabbed by Forest who slammed him to ground.

We see Windle-chan in a forest looking around only to be tackled by his uncle and dragged to the lake as Forest put him on a headlock.

Windle-chan is seen being yeeted by his uncle into the lake's surface for him to be blacked out and sink. A few minutes later and he swam to the surface to see a thumbs up from Forest who then shook his head. He understood what his uncle wanted and followed him back to the cottage in the jungle.

Now we see Forest wearing robes along with Windle-chan. the both of them are at Royal Navy territory at the broad daylight. Although Forest's robes had brighter accessories.

Windle-chan jumped up and down and looked at himself wearing new robes that had the color of IronBlood

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Windle-chan jumped up and down and looked at himself wearing new robes that had the color of IronBlood.

Windle-chan jumped up and down and looked at himself wearing new robes that had the color of IronBlood

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Forest: Remember the plan?

W-chan: Ja uncle. In and out as quickly as possible after getting the package.

Forest: And if anyone your age tries to stop you and if they are a girl. Seduce them.

W-chan: no.

Forest: Oh come on! do it for uncle.

Windle-chan sighed and watched as Forest put his hood on and nodded at him. Nodding back at him the nephew put his hood on to and followed his uncle as he ran towards an alley. Copying his uncle, they both scaled the building quickly with ease and both of them found their targets.

(Imagine they are wearing the pictures. Forest is the one in all black and Windle-chan is the one with red. At the end they are the only ones there.)

Forest smirked as he saw his target pulled a gun on his face. HE was about to move and kill his target when his nephew went flying and stabbed the target on their neck.

W-chan: You're welcome.

Forest: I had it.

W-chan: Really? IT didn't look like it.

Forest then looted their targets and took all their valuables. He then took out crow feathers and used it to soak up the bloods of their targets. He then grabbed Windle-chan and yeeted him to the ceiling. He then climbed up to the rooftops and dragged his nephew with him.

W-chan: What's happening UNCLE?

Forest: We're clearing the area before drones comes boy!

Forest then let his nephew down and both of them started to run.

Forest: We're splitting up! They found us earlier than I thought. Go to a safe place and remove some parts of your equipment and reverse it. I'll lead them away. 

Windle-chan nodded and they both tightened their gloves. Forest jumped towards the rooftops and drew a pistol and used it to shoot the drone following him. Windle-chan nodded to his uncle and jumped off the building landing on the next smaller buildings' rooftop with ease. Forest stopped moving and removed his hood. He looked back to see a hundred men wearing black suits.

Forest: Want me to recommend you to my tailor? He lives near here.

BS1: Piss of! You killed one of us.

Forest: Oh really? Apologies, I didn't know that those two were alive. Their suits were so trashy that I thought that they were already decayed skeletons, just like the rest of you.

Crowd: OOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

BS leader: now, now, let's calm down there is only one of him and hundreds of us.

The rest of the black suits cheered and roared as they took out their weapons.

BS leader: AFter you, we will take the kid and sell him to some guys for money and we will take those foxes and girls from the sakura empire and have fun with them. They'll make some fine Cocksleeves.

Silence... Was all that came from Forest as he looked down. Then Laughter as he covered his face, his eyes narrowing and turning blood red. He finished laughing and smiled at the black suits.

Forest: I was just gonna make some examples out of you and let most of you go but I fear that's no longer an option.

His smile faded and his killing intent flared out. ALL the black suits and other living beings in the area froze.

Forest: Today, Forest Returns to the hunt.

He said as he drew a sword and dagger hitting them at each other creating sparks before going into a stance. A cruel smirk appearing in his face as his eyes glowed

with a cold look. 

A demon... no! it was something worse! They felt worthless to the aura of the young man they cornered. No, it not him who was cornered it was them. Knowing that whatever happened they will not even survive. Several of the black suits either collapsed while foaming on their mouths and some of them either peed or shat themselves or started to laugh hysterically. They will not survive today. 

Forest: Do try to make it fun for me. 

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