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-I can't believe we only have one more day and it's all over - Clare says almost annoyed by the fact that the spell is coming to an end. Shay stares confused - Guys, as far as I know, you never wanted this in the first place! - She pouts and the rest look down. Maia leans her chair - We know, but hanging with them was actually nice- She says almost smiling and Liam sort of nods -I guess we'll have to explain after, I mean, luckily we handled things right - But Liam remembers. Martina holds her sister Clare - I will miss this Niall! He treats me like I am worthy - And they sigh. Not everyone is ready to handle what comes next. -I think Dianna will kick our asses!  - Clare laughs and the rest agree. -She is sweet and caring, not like the Dianna we know- Maia says and Liam stares - Maybe she was just protecting herself, what if the real Dianna is this one?- And the girls glance at each other. -Liam, I am the first one longing to back you up- Shay says and ads- But the truth is the chances are against us on this one- Maia stands up suddenly - Tonight we'll go out, have fun and remember midnight is our deadline so stay close just in case- Martina holds Clare's hand tight. - I will take the blame - Shay says knowing she was the one to wish for this so basically she's done already.

Liam holds Shay and smiles - We're all in this together, alright? - Shay smiles at his words - Let's enjoy this last evening and then we'll see - He ends and they all walk out of the tent. Each one has awakened in a different way and definitely this week was an eye opening for most of them.

Martina meets Niall for dinner. Niall has prepared a lovely dinner out in the woods and the moon gives a perfect scenario. As she walks to him, noticing he's wearing her favorite shirt and looking awesome, a flashback comes to her memory.

-Two days ago-

Niall is holding her tight as she rests her head on his chest. They are lying in the ground. -Tell me! I want to know! - Niall chuckles and Martina blushes - Don't make me talk about that! - She says nervous hiding her face in his chest. Niall caresses her head - I will tell you too, tomorrow, I promise! - And somehow Martu forgets about the spell - I was trying to find Clare- She remembers the first day they met - You were rehearsing and I accidentally walked into the tent - She smiles - You just gave me this beautiful look and it was like being struck by lightning - Martina is now facing Niall that smiles. They are just looking at each other. - I guess I just knew, there was something in the way you looked at me - And she leans back to sit - But then I notice you were different and you started flirting with other girls and I just... - She sighs - I think I knew I wasn't good enough - Niall grabs her face and his eyes reflect the same look he had when they met - That's why you stop paying attention to me? - He asks sweetly and Martu is confused - You never pay attention to me - She says and Niall smiles - Then we made quite a mess! I flirted with those girls because that's when you actually looked at me! - She leans back surprised - Really? - And Niall nods - Martu, that day I thought "Uou, this girl is worthy!"- And he makes a tone that makes Martu giggle - Sorry I gave you the wrong impression! - He says and the thunder strikes again just to remind her, the spell is talking and not Niall. She smiles and hugs him - I'm sorry too, Niall - She says but somehow they are apologizing for different reasons.


Maia is hugging Zayn. She cannot believe she never realized how much she likes him before. Zayn always made her feel nice and it was actually the only one that never jokes about her. -What are you thinking about? - Zayn asks stroking her hair softly. Maia sighs - About how lovely this week has been and how amazing you are - She says and Zayn runs a hand through her back - Why are you talking like this is our last meal! - He jokes and in that moment, Maia knows it'll probably will - Look, no matter what happens, you must know I'm sorry I never gave you a chance - Zayn stares weirdly - Maia, nothing's going to change - But Maia knows better - Thanks for being so kind and adorable to me, Z - She caresses his face - I won't forget this - And even when she remembers this is just a spell, she kisses him suddenly and Zayn kisses her back.

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