chapter 2: Byles

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Campanula flower:
The campanula flower is frequently used as a sort of "thank you" gift, as these blossoms are often thought to represent gratitude. They are also given as symbols of affection, as they are sometimes said to symbolize constancy and everlasting love, as well as humility and delicacy.

He leaves behind this flower as his last gift to his art, the victims.

a person who eats the flesh of other human beings.

He is feeding on his victims.

"Campanula Cannibal has been in prison for the last four years. You helped the police arrest him. Remember?"

"Yes, that's what I thought, Nathan. Now, there are only two possibilities. One, someone is trying to copy Campanula Cannibal. Two.." Joyce drifts off.

"Two, the original Campanula Cannibal is still out there. He never got caught," I finish her thought.

"Nathan, there is a third possibility as well. Three, both the first and second possibilities are correct," Joyce says reluctantly.

. . .

I patiently wait in the interrogation room. After a while, three police officers bring Campanula Cannibal, the original one -or the one we thought was the original one- to me.

"Long time no see, officer Byles," he says boisterously, with a grin on his face.

"Did you really kidnap 27 people four years ago? Were you the one who committed over 23 murders, leaving Campanula on their chests and feeding on their organs?"

"Byles Byles Byles. You ask too many questions. Isn't it your job to figure this out? But since you came all this way, I'll tell you this; an artist shall never deny his art. All the bodies I left for the world to discover are my masterpieces. Don't offend me by doubting me," grinning from ear to ear.

"I know what you are trying to do. How about you tell me this? How could a loser like you- who gets caught so easily- be Campanula Cannibal," I say, smirking - belittling him as much as I could.

His smile disappears. Suddenly, he lunges at me, aiming for my throat.
"I told you I did it! You can't take away my credit! I'm the one who killed these people! It was me! It was ME," he screams.

The police officers rushed in to restrain him.

After this meeting, one thing was clear. The person before me was NOT the Campanula Cannibal. I stand up to leave.

"I'll let you meet your master soon. Here. In prison," I say to him before leaving.

I hear him cursing as I walked away.

. . .

8th July 2017. 9:57 p.m.

"Nancy, I'm fine. You should not worry about anything. I'll be there this weekend. I will make sure to bring Joyce along as well," I say.

"Okay. I was planning to invite Joyce anyway. My baby bump is bigger now. I wish you were here to see it," she says from the other end of the phone.

"I miss you more, Nancy."

*Sound of glasses crashing and shrieks from the other end of the phone*

"Who's there?! Mum! Dad!" Nancy calls out to her parents while I'm on the line.

"Nancy? Are you okay? Nancy?"

"Nathan. Something is wrong. Nathan, can you come over soon, please?" I hear Nancy crying on the other end - her voice almost a whisper.

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