2. Out of the club

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(I didn't re-read it ! Find mistake and if you want you can inform me ... )


3rd person's pov :

"Pond call Dean again ." Win orders Pond while looking at the entrance . It's swiming competition today ! And Dean is still absent . Without president no competition could be held . It's against the rule .

"Hello Dean ." Win hears Pond's voice "where are you ?"

"Give me the phone ." Win takes the phone from Pond . "Hello ."

"Win ! Pharm got kidnapped ." Dean replies in arushing breath .

"What ? How could he ? Who told you ?" Win frowns .

"A call came from Pharm's mobile . And somebody told me to find him if I can . What should I do Win ?" Dean asks .

"Have you ..... " Win doesn't know what to reply . He looks at the freshmen waiting for the competition to start . He looks at all those food then I he looks at Pond . "I am coming ! Wait ." Win cuts the call .

Pond frowns "what happened ?"

"Pond ! Cancel the competition . Just distribute the food and ask then to leave . It's urgent problem . Dean can't come and I have to go ." Win sighs before leaving the swiming club .


"Win ! Is he ok ?" Dean asks as soon as he sees Win .
"Call him again ? Have you searched him in his dorm ? " win asks .
"His phone is switched off ! He is not in his dorm ." Dean replies worriedly .
"Let's find him in the campus . Ask his close friends ." Win pulls Dean with him .


Win's pov :

We are searching for Pharm for almost 4 hours . He is nowhere to be seen . His close friends ? He doesn't have any except two chubby people , according to their classmate . And thise chubby people are also missing .

"How could you not know about his close friends ?" I ask Dean .

"I know ! I just didn't talk to them personally . One is Team and other is Manao . They always leave when I come to meet Pharm ." Deam sighs .

I pull some of my hair . Again , I am having a headache . Wait ! What did he say ? "Team ? Which Team ?" I ask him .
"Our freshman in swiming club ! You know him ." Dean sighs again .

I frown . Again Team . Don't know why I am smelling something fishy . I call Pond to get his number from the files . I call that number . After some rings a girl picks up .

" Hello ! "

"Hello ! Is Team there ? Who arr you ?" I ask .

"He is downstairs . I am Manao . Who are you ?"

I put my phone on speaker . "Is Pharm with you ? I am Dean ." I reply .

"Yeah ! Wait a minute P' . "

I look at Dean . I give my phone to Dean to talk . I sit on a bench . So ,my assumption is right again . Now ,I just need to dig deep . You just wait and watch Team ! How could you even dare to cancel the competition .


3rd person's pov :

"He lost his phone . I can't believe this ! Who the hell dare to play this kind of prank on me ?" Dean shouts while sitting beside Win .

" Sorry dude ! Let's go home . I will apologize to every freshmen and take care of everything tomorrow . " Dean sighs before getting up . Win follows him .

............. .........

"Give the key of locker number 12 " win ask Pond as soon as he enters the swiming club next day .

"Huh ? You have changed your locker ? When ?" Pond frowns .

" Give me the key ." Win orders in a firm voice .

Win opens the locker with the key and starts searching the schoolbag in there .

"What the hell ? What are you doing with my bag ?" Team shouts from behind .

Win turns arround with a mobile in his hand "Isn't it Pharm's ?"

Team walk towards Win and snatches it from Win's hand ."yeah ! He lost it and I found it today . I have already informed him . I will give it to him today ." Team replies .

"Really ?" Win laughes . "By the way ! I didn't ask you all of this ."

Team frowns . He didn't expect this reaction of hia .

"You know , yesterday's competition is going to place today ? " Win asks Team .

Team nods with confusion . Win leaves with a big smrink .


"Team ! Can you hold my water bottle for sometimes . I am going to get a towel ." Deit asks Team . Team frowns .

He looks arround . There is no one . So , he decides to hold it .

"Thank you , Team ." After sometimes Deit comes back with a towel . "Let's go ! Competition is going to start soon ." Team nods .

......... ..........

!!! Ready !!!
!!! 3 .... 2 .... 1 !!!
!!! Go !!!

Team wins the competition . He jumps happily out of the pool . He was about to call Manao and Pharm who were waiting for him outside .

When someone shouts "Deit !!" Team turns back only to found a senseless Deit . Team hurriedly runs towards him . "What happened ?"

"You tell me what you have done ?" Someone shouts at Team .

"What the hell ?" Team frowns .

"Don't act innocent ! P' I have seen he was mixing something in a water bottle . I thought it was his . But it's was Deit's ." A boy says to Dean .

Dean frowns "well , first take him to the medical team ."

Everybody leaves the pool except Dean ,Win and Team . Team frowns "I have done nothing .! "

"Really ?" Dean asks .

"Of course Dean ! He was just making his way to win the competition easily ." Win retorts .

"No ! They are telling lie ... it's all lie ." Team shouts .

"Don't you dare to shout ! Take your leave ! And you don't need to come from tomorrow ." Win shouts .

"You can't do that . I don't need to drug him to win . I haven't done this ." Team frowns harder .

"Win , he has a point ." Dean opens his mouth "let's wait for sometimes , let Deit recover first ."

" Team , just pack your bag now ! If nothing is found in Deit's water then we will call you ! But if it happens otherwise we will give you the official letter . You will be out of swiming club officially . " Win says in a cold tone "Is it ok , Dean ?"

Dean nods . Team stands still . He looks at the Win blankly . You have done all of this .. right ?" Team mumbles to Win .

Win smrinks . " Stop with your false assumption Team . You can't proove anything .


(I get a different level of chill , whenever I write Winteam !! I don't need any girl or side character in between them !!!! They are enough trouble for themselves .. 🤭🤭🤭)

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