3. one month

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Yeah ! I am here again ...

Team's pov :

I leave the swimming club . I know everything is planned to throw me out of the club . I should have think about the consequences . the last time I didn't want to cancel the competition but I had no other option . Should I find a new college ? I can't afford to read in this college without scholarship . I sigh .

I will think about it tomorrow . Now , I am tired . At least , I can take a bus to reach my rented house .


Win's pov :

I don't know what I am feeling . He leaves without even shouting back . It's weird . He is weird actually . I don't know what he gets from creating mess . And I have warned him so many times . He didn't listen . It's not my fault . Whatever I have done is good for the club .

I starts driving my car with an empty feeling . I don't know for what . Is he hurt ? Though I am not good at reading people still , there was something missing in his eyes when he leaves . Shit ! Again I am having a headache again .

I shake my head and was about to turn my car when I see Team . But , what is he doing in bus stop ? Student dorm is near the college . I can't help but stop my car to watch him .

3rd person's pov :

Team took the bus . Win follows the bus almost for thirty minutes . He stops his car when he saw Team coming out of the bus and heading towards a small building , not exact building .. more like a paying guest house of an old movie .

Win comes out of the car and decides to follow Team . Win stops when he sees Team opening a small door with key . Team enters the room .

What is he doing here ?It's already 7 O'clock . The college dorm is going to close at 8 for freshmen . Win starts to walk towards the door . He raises his hand to knock but suddenly the light of the locality goes off !

Win halts . He hurriedly turn arround ! "Hffff ! There is no one .. calm down .. win ! There is no one .. " Win talks to himself .

Win turns to knock the door .

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh .... " Win shouts and pats his chest slowly .

"What are you doing here ?" Asks Team who is standing infront of the door with a candle in his hand .

"I should ask you this ? And why are you holding the candle so close to your face ? Are you ghost ?" Win shouts while calming his heart .

Team lowers his candle ."I live here ."

"Here ?" Win frowns . Team nods while procting the candle light from wind .

Win slowly push Team inwards and enters the room ."you live here ? Why ?" Win asks while looking arround .

"What why ? Because I rented his ." Team place the candle on the floor .

"You don't even have a bed or desk here ! Only on mattress . And you have placed you books and clothes on chairs .. seriously ?" Win asks Team .

Team frowns "what are you doing here ? I don't think you are here to see my interior ?"

Win sits beside Team "I... I followed you ."

Team frowns harder "why ?"

"I don't know ! I was thinking about what happened in the club . Then I saw you at the bus stand . I feel guilty . So , I ended up here . I ... I am sorry ." Win speaks out what he had in his mind . He feels better now .

Team looks at Win for sometimes . Win also looks at Team . Though there is only candle light , but Win could clearly see the not so blank eyes of Team . Nothing is missing now .

"I will confess everything tomorrow ." Win adds without breaking their eye contact .

"But that will cost you position as a vice president ." Team opens his mouth this time .

Win chuckles "I don't care about the position . I am also tired of it . "

"But swimming club need you ! P'Dean seems to care less about the club as he is in love . And P'Pond , he will turn it into fishing club . Don't do that ." Team replies while looking at the floor .

"You seems to love the swimming club . Then why did you creat those problems ?" Win looks at the side face of Team .

Team chuckles "Are you affraid of cockroach ?"

Win frowns "huh ?"

"There is one beside your leg ." Team points his fingers at the cockroach . Suddenly it starts flying .

"Shit !! Oh my god ! Ahhhh ." Win jumps in the floor as the cockroach fly arround him .

Team laughes . Now Win is hugging Team from the behind . Team is holding the cockroach with his right hand . Team throws the cockroach towards the door . "It will not come here now ! Don't worry ."

Win slowly sits in his previous position . "When the electricity will come ?"

"I don't know ! May be , it will not come today . You should leave hia !" Team stands up .

"You can come to the practice after 20 days . " Win stands up too .

"But the punishment was ... " Team frowns .

"I decide the punishment Team . There is no perticular rule about what punishment should be . And 20 days are more than enough . But still I am willing to confess if you want ." Win replies .

"No ! You don't need to do this . I will join after 20 days ." Team smiles .

"Now ! Let's go !" Win smiles widely .

"Huh ?"

"You are coming with me ! You are not going to live here ." Win replies firmly .

"What ? No . Don't do this . Don't give me sympathy . I hate this ." Team says in a cold tone . He sits on the floor .

"I am not ! If you are not going with me , then I am not leaving ." Win sits beside Team .

Team looks away "as you wish ."

"Team this place is so far from college . At least you should think about you studies . My room is large enough . You can stay there without any problem . Come with me ." Win pleads "please ."

"Are you affraid of rats ?"Team asks .
"Where is it ?" Win asks knowing what does it mean .
"In front of your leg ." Team pulls Win towards him .
"Team come with me ." Win looks at Team .
"I don't like sympathy ." Team retorts .
"But I like sympathy ! Please give me some ! If I have to stay here some more time , I will die ." Win looks at Team while pouting .

"I want to do it to lessen my guilty . I have wronged you , Team . There is no sympathy . Come with me ... at least for one month until you join the club again ." Win replies .

Team looks at Win . Win smiles at Team "yes ?"

Team nods slowly . "One month ."


(I don't know how it's going or how it will go . But everytime I come here to post a new chapter , the story changes a lot ... 🤣)

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