Bucky Barnes x Reader

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A/N: This a short Bucky one so enjoy. Please if you have any request send them through cause I'm running out of ideas. Thanks! 

Warnings: Smut and Swearing 


Your boyfriend Bucky has been gone for over a week now and you really miss him, he wasn't due to come back till tomorrow and you honestly couldn't wait. Your apartment that you share together felt so empty and your bed feels lonely without him. "Just one more day I can do this" you whispered to yourself, you decided to do some housework to get the place looking nice for his return. It took approximately two hours to get everything done, you look at the clock and notice its only noon, so you decide to take a shower to pass the time. 

You close the door to your bathroom but don't bother locking it as you are the only one here, you turn on the shower and wait for the water to warm up before stepping in and letting the hot water hit your smooth skin. 

The water feels so good on your body and you can't help but close your eyes and let your mind drift to Bucky. You think about his soft lips kissing yours and every inch of your body, you think about his strong hands holding you and caressing you. You must have been deep in thought because you didn't hear him come in. "Hi babe" he says quietly behind you, startled you turn around and see his naked body in the shower with you "surprise" he says before grabbing your face and pulling you in for a passionate kiss, his mouth moving in complete sync with yours and you moan into his mouth. "I've missed you so much" he whispered "what are you doing here I thought you weren't meant to get in till tomorrow?" you asked "I needed to see my baby" he replied. 

He wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles his face in your neck lighting biting and sucking on it "mmmmh" you moan, he pulls away and you look up at his beautiful blue eyes they are filled with lust. He leans his face into mine and places his lips on my ear, nibbling on it "I want you" he whispers in your ear while his hands find their way to your ass massaging it. "So, take me" you whisper to him. A low growl erupts from his throat and his hands find their way to your stomach lightly pushing you against the shower wall, his lips smash on yours intensely. 

His hands are exploring every inch of your body, he is placing kisses all along your neck. He places one hand on your breast cupping it and massaging it gently while his other hand finds its way to your clit, his finger flicks over it and before long he thrust a finger inside of you. You moan at the feeling of him thrusting his finger in and out of you, you feel him push another finger in you. He picks up the pace and his thumb is rubbing circles on your clit "Fuck" you cried out. You can feel a knot growing in your stomach signaling that you were getting closer to your orgasm "baby I'm going to cum" you murmured. 

Bucky pulls his fingers out from you and lifts one of your legs wrapping it around his waist giving him access to your pussy, he pushes in cock slowly into you gasp out in pleasure. He lets you adjust to feeling of his full length inside of you before he starts thrusting in and out of you slowly. "Faster" you begged him and he starts picking up the pace thrusting hard and face into you the room is filled with your moans as you are in complete bliss from the pleasure he is giving you. 

His hands grab a hold of your ass and his lifts you up and pushes you harder against the wall, you wrap both legs around his waist and you can feel him now thrust deeper in you hitting the right spot. He is moaning in your ear and it is enough to almost send you over the edge. Before long he pulls his dick out of you and puts you down, he turns you around and bends you over. You hold onto the shower head for support and Bucky slams his dick inside of you causing you to scream out in pleasure as he takes you from behind. He is thrusting hard and face in and out of you "Bucky" you moan as you feel your orgasm reaching again, you feel the tightness in your stomach and before long you explode with pleasure. After a few more pumps you feel Bucky's cock twitch in you as he empties himself inside of you. 

You stand up and turn around to face him and he grabs your face and kisses you gently, "I love you (Y/N)" he says "I love you too" you reply. Bucky turns off the water scoops you up and carries you into your bedroom for round two.

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