Chapter 8: Don't mess with Yang's hair

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"You can't run forever Knights!" yelled Slyger. "What are we going to do!?!? We don't have the portal weapon!!!!!" I yelled. "Slyger destroyed it the last time we where here!" Granox told us. "Great! Just great!" yelled Chooki. We kept running until we hit a dead end. "Oh no." said Guren. We all turned around and faced Granox and Slyger. "Now we will destroy you once and for all!" Slyger yelled. We heard two guns click. "Not so fast rust buckets!" we heard someone say behind Granox and Slyger. "Yang! Blake!" Guren yelled. Yang had two goblets with red bullets. Blake's sword was split into two blades. Granox and Slyger turned around. "Back off or I shoot." Yang said raising her fist and pulling back. "I know an empty treat when I see one. You wouldn't." said Slyger. "Try me!" Yang yelled. Slyger moved his foot a bit toward us. Yang flung her arm like she was punching someone and a flaming bullet came out of the goblet and hit Granox in the back. "Ow! She's not bluffing Slyger!" Granox said a bit worried. Yang came running for Granox punching him as the bullets came flying out. "All right! Way too go Yang!" Guren yelled. Ceylan, Chooki and I started smiling. Blake put her sword back on what was holding it and turned away from Slyger. "What's she doing?" Ceylan asked. "Too afraid to face me you pathetic, week, excuse for a huntress?!?!?" Slyger yelled out to Blake. All she did was put her hand on her sword. Slyger ran toward her. He tried hitting Blake but hit a copy of her and she ended up behind Slyger. She was holding her sword in her hand now. "Bumblebee?" Yang asked Blake. "Why not. but first you need too build up power, don't you?" Blake answered. Yang nodded. "I go for Granox and you take Slyger." Yang told Blake. Blake nodded. And before you know it Blake is rapidly making copies and Yang's bullets are flying. Yang was about to hit Granox but before she could he grabbed a small clump of hair and punched Yang and she was flung 10 feet away. "Yang!" I yelled. "Don't worry. With each hit she gets stronger and she uses that energy to fight back!" Blake told us. "Wait. Is that Yang' in his hand?" Blake asked like she was scared. Slyger ran to see what was going on. "You idiot! You know you just gave her even more power!" Slyger yelled. "Uh oh." Granox said like this happened before. Yang got up and it looked like her hair was on fire. She saw her blonde hair in Granox's hand. She looked down and closed her eyes. " monster!" She screamed bursting into flames and her eyes faded blood red. She ran after Granox screaming and punching away and flung him 8 feet away. She looked at Slyger. "What!? You want some too!?" Yang asked Slyger. Slyger ran away. "Oh no you didn't! You have a whole mess of pay back coming!" she yelled running after Slyger. She flung herself in front of him using her goblets. "Does this happen every time someone even touches her hair" Ceylan asked Blake. "Yep." She answered. Slyger came flying in front of us. Yang walked back. As she did she started to calm down. Her eyes faded back to there normal color. "I'm happy you got that out of your system." Blake said to Yang. She smiles. "Wait. We left Ruby and Wiess with Torchtwick!!!!!!" Yang screamed. "Wait. You did what!?!?!?" Ceylan asked. "Come on! Let's go!" Blake ordered. We all nodded and followed Blake and Yang back to Wiess and Ruby.

Ruby Rose-

"You'll never beat me!" Torchtwick yelled. "Really? Cause that's exactly what we're doing." I yelled. The scope on Torchtwick's cane popped up and he started firing at us. "Ok! I'm done being nice!" He said. He hit Wiess and she fell down to the ground. "Wiess!" I yelled. I ran over to her putting Crescent Rose away. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine." she answered sitting up. Torchtwick walked up to us and pointed the gun cane at us. "Oh no you don't!" We heard someone say for behind. We looked behind us and saw Yang, Blake and the boys. Yang came running up too Torchtwick and hit him in the face and he fell to the ground. Blake pulled out the thiner part of her sword. She stepped on his chest and held the blade's tip above his neck. "Why are you fighting me Kitty Cat? You know what side you're on. Kill your so called friends instead." he told her. "I'm not like that anymore! I left the White Fang! Because of the things that will never make a difference in the world!" Blake yelled. Wiess smiled. So did me and Yang. The boys smiled too. Blake looked back at us and smiled and turned back to Torchtwick. "And they are my friends." she finished. "Fine! Have it your way!" He yelled. "Neo!" he called. "No." I said softly. Then Neo came and hit Blake too the ground. "Blake!" Chooki and Wiess yelled. They both ran over to her. Wiess opened her scroll. "Her Ora dropped to the red area!" Wiess told him. "What does that mean?" Chooki asked her. "Ora sort of protects us in battle before we need to be more defensive." Wiess answered. "Oh. Is that really bad?" He asked. "Only if you can't fight." she answered. "Wait how exactly did Ruby go overboard in making Crescent Rose?" Guren asked. I looked back at him and smiled at him. "Hay Neo! Remember me?" I asked. She came running for me. I was getting ready to get Crescent Rose form behind my cloak. When she got close to me I pulled it out in sniper rifle form and I started no scoping Neo but she blocked it with her umbrella. I stood there and she swung at me and I flipped out of the way and shifted Crescent Rose into a scythe. "Whoa! Okay! I see what Blake meant!" Toxsa yelled. I tried to hit her but she was too fast. She got me off guard and I feel too the ground. Wiess was getting ready to too hit Neo and Torchtwick but she turned herself and Torchtwick into a glass figure that shattered as soon as she hit it. They both got away. "So I guess we have to go to Vale and put the two rust buckets in jail?" Yang asked. "Why you do that and we explain what just happened and the boys tell us why Granox and Slyger where trying to kill them." I told Yang. We all looked back at the boys they where all playing dumb. Yang put Granox and Slyger in prison while Blake, Wiess and I explained everything and the boys admitted to being the Tenkai Knights. The only things we didn't tell them is that they have to be trained to be huntsman and we didn't tell them about Blake's bow.

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