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557 20 19

Kiyoshi POV:

I wake up to the sound of familiar voices shouting. Stretching, I turn to look at the time. It looks back at me as if mocking me, making me groan in annoyance. The numbers 7:45 burn into my skull. Wait? 7:45?! I rush to the kitchen to see Shiro and Kyo-chan in a fully blown shouting match. An irk mark on my forehead, "OI! Can someone explain why it's 7:45 and it's supposed to be my first day at Honan?! And what are you doing in my apartment in the first place?" I sighed, 'these lovable idiots really make me question what they do in their spare time...'

The two look at me in disbelief then slowly turn to face each other. "Shiro you dumbass we literally came here to wake him up early." Kyo-chan smirked trying to stifle his laughs. Shiro glanced at him with a troubled look. "This is your fault you zebra crossing looking ass. If you hadn't insisted that you were the best brother and picked a fight this wouldn't of happened." Before Kyo-chan could retaliate I brought them back to the situation at hand.

"If you two wouldn't mind being QUIET so I can actually get ready for the school that's been my dream for years that would be great. If you don't I could always call Nakano nii-chan since she won't tolerate your bullshit, especially since it's my first day of school."

I sense them shiver in fear at the mention of Nakano, I smile innocently. As 'zebra crossing looking ass' went off to get something Shiro had the blessing of seeing me struggling to do up the buttons on my shirt. I've never been able to do them, 'why can't they just make poppers instead? They're so much easier!' As I let out a subconscious groan I hear Shiro chuckle at my immaturity and usher me over to him. I felt my face heat up from the fact that I still can't do you my buttons. 'Not that I'm ever going to admit it, but I am soooooo glad they do this for me.'

Third POV:

Shiro frowned at the youngers chest seeing the scars that he just couldn't get used to, but he quickly smirked at the sight before him, "You're still such a baby, it's like you haven't changed a bit since I first met you." Kiyoshi turned to the side and retorted a few incoherent words under his breath.

After Kiyoshi and Shiro's little scene Kentarou comes over with a heated takeaway cup from Shiro's coffee shop. He gave it to Kiyoshi and both of the older males hearts melted at the sight.

Kiyoshi had a blush on his face and sparkles in his eyes after receiving his favorite drink, a white hot chocolate with a chocolate sprinkle heart in the middle. He started to tear up making Kentarou and Shiro wander why anyone would purposefully hurt him. Shiro glanced at the time and panicked. It was 7:55 and he was gonna be late to work. He scooped up Kiyoshi and jumped out the window.

"Zebra we're late, so get your ass out here now!" Kentarou glared at the boy before jumping out the window after him.

Kiyoshi POV:

I am currently in the arms of my brother who's carrying me and making sure I don't fall from 20ft in the air. I make sure my 'energy drink' is safely in my bag before jumping of Shiro's back. All three of us are vaulting over railings before we come to a sudden stop to a crowded street.

I see an array of lamposts on the side of the street, so I do what any person would and push myself up. After seeing my brothers following behind I speed up not wanting to be late. I see Kyo-chan's train station and call out to him. It seems he gets the right idea before jumping as high as he can so he can land on my hand, as he is just about to crush me I push my hand up making him go flying down onto a tree. He just smirks as he swings of a branch and down onto the ground, successfully avoiding the crowded street. Me and Shiro wave at him but not before shouting a couple 'I love you's' to embarrass him.

After a few minutes my eyes glisten, 'im finally going to Honan...' As Shiro caught up he chuckled at a Blonde rolling into a tree and a Ravenette landing perfectly. Me and my brother made eye contact and smirked. I slowed down so Shiro could overtake me, as I did he went to swing on a lampost ahead. I yelled "Nii-chan!" gaining unwanted attention.

As everything went in slow motion I connected perfectly with Shiro's feet, making me fly towards the gates. I quickly shouted a 'thanks' while falling down into a certain ravenettes arms. Completely oblivious to the position we're in I stand up and took him up with me. As I look into his eyes I notice something. "You're eyes are really pretty!" I exclaim fascinated and absolutely clueless that our faces were centimeters apart. As I pull away I notice the time and scream, pulling both the boys with me to class. I slammed the door open and opened my eyes. I flash a smile at the class. "Sorry we're late!"

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