1 • Aloha

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I rolled over in the bed to be faced with my little sister Keloi still sleeping in her bed, she was only thirteen years old. Just as sweet as she wanted to be, always smiling.

I looked at the calendar on the wall says its Wednesday and the time was currently seven am on the dot. I got out of my bed and went to brush my teeth.

"This has to be a joke right now?" I asked myself as I tired to turn the faust on but no water was coming out.

"I know she did not do this shit again" I said walking out of the restroom.

"Mama?" I said knocking on her room door.

"Mama? Come on the water is off again, I have to get ready for work, and get Keloi ready for school" I stated.

I turned the knob to her room and when I opened it she wasnt even in the bed. Of course she was gone. She loves to drink, party, she does drugs. All the drugs she wants, she don't have a preference. If it makes her high she will take it.

I don't know what happened to her. We were never rich or nothing. My father was in the Military since I was born. He loved it, imagine being in the Military for over twenty-one years just to be killed by some dude trying to rob you.

Crazy right? Hell yes.

But since his death last year, things got bad.

"Good morning Hiapa'i'ole" Keloi said tapping me.

Yes, that is my name Hiapa'i'ole, I'm twenty-one. Born and semi raised in Hawai'i, well when we weren't moving from place to place with my dad being in the Military we always were in Hawai'i.

"Hey little sis" I said closing our mother door.

"She gone again?" Keloi asked me.

"Yes, but let's get your some breakfast and ready for school" I smiled fixing her hair in a bun.

"School ended last week remember? The fridge is empty, remember?" She said.

"Yes, I am sorry I forgot. I will find you something to eat" I smiled at her.

"Just go get dressed and you can come with me to work okay?"

"Okay" she said.

"Hey, Keloi?" I said and she turned back around.

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