Chapter Thirteen

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MiraJane's POV

Hmm... I wonder what the surprise is.

"Um konichiwa, minna, long time no see." Someone behind Lisanna said.

"And may I please ask who you are?" I said politely.

There was actually two people behind Lisanna. One's Lisannas height while the other looked just a bit taller than Wendy. They both stayed in the shadows. The taller one's voice was somewhat familiar. I felt like I heard it before... realization hit me and I started crying. I was probably the only one who noticed this because I was the closest to them.

Laxus' POV

Suddenly, Mira started crying again. I wanted go and comfort her... when did I sound so... I don't know... mushy? Mira changed me. I have guts to take take down a dragon, but I can't even tell a girl that I like her... wow Laxus. That's a first.
I slowly walked over to Mira and realized why she was crying. I was taken by surprise. She came back.

Levy's POV

Laxus looked dumbfounded. Mira was crying. I wonder what was Lisanna's 'surprise'. I went over to Lisanna and saw her 'surprise' and for the first time in years, I smiled. She's back, safe and sound.

Gajeel's POV

Shrimp just smiled! It was the first smile I've seen from her in years. The only thing that would make her smile is... wait, don't tell me, is she back?!

"Come on, Lily." I said.

"Okay," Lily answered.

We both went over and... yes, there she was, the mage that made Shrimp smile. I tried for five years to make her smile. I'm not gonna lie, Shrimp seems to enjoy my company for the past five years.

"Welcome back, Bunny Girl." I said, smirking.

I'm just secretly glad that the Shrimp's smiling again.

Wendy's POV

I wonder what everyone over near Lisanna was smiling, crying, and shocked about. Over the past five years, I've gotten as strong as I could and kind of turned against the guild. I mean it's still my family and I still love it, I'm just cold to most people. The only people I'm nice to is Erza, Gray, Cana, Gajeel, Juvia, Laxus, Mira, Lisanna, Elfman, Happy, Lily, and of coarse Carla. That's right. I don't give people those polite titles anymore. I'm known as the Winter Wind because I'm cold to people. Carla disapproves it, but she know that as long as she's gone, I'll be cold and there's nothing she can do about it. She also said that she used her Predicting to see if Lucy ever comes back but she said she only saw a lady in a cloak.

I decided to go over to see what's causing everyone to be so... I don't know, unlike themselves. Laxus doesn't usually look shocked, Mira doesn't cry while looking happy, Gajeel doesn't smirk anymore, and most shocking of all, Levy finally smiled.

I went over there and realized abruptly why they were unlike themselves. I felt something wet on my face and I realized that it was tears.

"Wendy!" The girl in the shadows exclaimed.

Happy's POV

Everyone was going over to see Lisanna's surprise. What is it? I know maybe it's fish! I flew over to get the fish but once I was close enough to see Lisanna's surprise, I stopped dead on my tracks. I couldn't believe. She really did come back.

"Happy!" She exclaimed.

Carla's POV

Everyone was going over to see the surprise and I admit, I'm eager to see it to. I flew over there and then, when I could see the surprise, I gaped at it. She came back... Wendy will be normal... everything will be good again. With-out knowing, I had started crying.

Erza's POV

A lot of people had started to go see the surprise and by the looks of it, no one seemed disappointed. I guess I'll go over there and check to see if the surprise is actually good or not.

When I got there and saw the surprise, I started crying like there's no tomorrow. She came home.

Gray's POV

Great, now even Erza's crying. Is the surprise really that good? I went over to check. When I saw what it was, I choked. Literally.

Juvia's POV

Now even Gray-sama went to check on it. Juvia should probably go see what's going on too. When Juvia saw that she's back, Juvia started crying. Outside, it started raining violently.

Lucy's POV

Geez these people.

"Gosh guys, I back, so what?" I asked.

"Lucy!!!" They all cried and hugged me (except for Laxus).

"Hey minna..." I said more softly this time. "I uh... have to tell you something." I said nervously.

"You wanna join the guild again right? Of coarse you can!" Gray exclaimed.

"No, actually, I feel like talking to the master. Lisanna, can you tell them instead?" I asked Lisanna.

She nodded.

"Uh Gray did you make that Natsu sculpture?" Lisanna asked. "Your really talented you know."

Gray suddenly started sweating.

"Um... Uh... Thanks... You know? I'm a ice mage so of coarse I'm good at making ice sculptures." Gray said nervously.

"Speaking of Natsu, where is he?" Lisanna asked.

"Um... Lisanna, can you just tell us what Lucy wanted to say?!" Erza said obviously trying to sound impatient.

"I'll go talk to the master." I said.

I walked up the set of stairs that led to master's office. I knocked.

"Come in!" He said.

I took a deep breath and went in.

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