Embarrassing Older Brothers

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Hearing a knock on the door, Andrew went through the hallway and opened it. Stood just outside was a boy, who looked around the same age as his younger 17 year old sister.

"hi, can I help you?"
Andrew asked the boy who to him was a total stranger

"yes, is dianne in?"
The boy said

"she is yeah. DOT"
She shouted her cute little nickname up the stairs and the redhead soon appeared at the top and ran down the stairs into the boys arms.
Andrew stood back having no idea who this guy was, but he obviously knew his sister.

"hey Di"
The boy smiled

"hello Joseph, what are you doing here?"
Dianne asked and then brendan her other brother came walking through the house. Even though there was a 5 year age gap with Andrew and a 7 year age gap wirh brendan, the three siblings got on incredibly well. The two older boys who were now fully adults at the age of 22 and 24 loved their little sister and protected her even though most of the time she was an annoying pain.

"I just brought you these"
He said bringing out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. It was a beautiful mix of some white and pale pink roses with a few big daisy's in there for an added affect.

"awww Joseph, thank you. There beautiful"
Dianne threw her arms around the boy who her brothers now knew as Joseph.

"It's ok, I just wanted to give you something I guess."
Joe smiled

"thank you"
She pressed a soft kiss to his lips

"your welcome dot, I better be going. I'll message you later"
He kissed her again

"yep, bye joe"
She waved as he walked away and then dianne shut the door and turned back round with a beaming smile on her face not noticing both of her brothers were standing right behind her. She pulled an awkward smile at them before walking into the kitchen and finding one of her mums spare vases in the cupboard and started filling it up with water.

"so who was that then?"
Brendan asked her. Dianne sterted to go red and turned back round to her brothers.

"shut up"
She huffed at them and turned back to what she was doing.

"if you don't tell me, I'll go and tell mum and dad you have a boyfriend"
Andrew teased her. Both of her brothers were adults now but still teased their younger sister.

"fine...... Yeah he's my boyfriend. Now go away"
Dianne told them

"oh my god.... MUM, dot has a boyfriend"
Brednan giggled and shouted through the whole house.

"brendan, shut the hell up yeah. It hasn't been that long."
Dianne said firmly but then her mother walked through the kitchen and diannes face instantly dropped into a much more serious look.

"mum oh my goodness. There was this boy at the door called joe and he brought dianne flowers. Oh it was so adorable"
Andrew cooed sarcastically. Rina could tell her daughter was hiding in the embarrassment and also didn't want her to find out.

"darling, congratulations. And you two stop teasing your sister, you know she doesn't like it"
Rina told her two sons and then they wondered off giggling. Dianne put her flowers in the vase and rearranged it a bit when he mum out her arm around her.

"they're very annoying, aren't they dot"
Rina said and dianne nodded

"I don't grt why they can't leave me alone, they know I hate it when anyone teases me"
Dianne said sadly

"dot, just talk a deep breathe. Would you like to talk about it?"
Rina asked and dianne smiled at her mum. Her mum always knew what to do. Dianne out her arm around ehr and they walked off together, so dianne could get everything out.

This is your last chance to get your ideas in.
Comment any you have and I will pick 3 to do, as there are 4 chapters left for this book and I have the last chapter planned.

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