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The water was an absolute perfect shade of blue. It always turned to this in March and it looked magical. The air smelled like salt and spring. Millie's long, dark, wavy hair danced along with the wind as she sat on the beach watching the waves roll in. March meant that it was about three months left until the summer visitors would arrive. Some families came to Coast Blue a few weeks early to prepare their beach houses, then they went back to their cities for a few weeks and then when summer arrived, they did as well. 

Millie had never been outside Coast Blue. Only to the slightly larger town Hollmark, where her and her older brother Nate went to buy  seafood for Nate's restaurant Nate's Place, where Millie worked. 

Millie threw a glance at the watch on her wrist. Her break was almost over, so she grabbed her bag and made her way towards Nate's Place. On the way, she threw her hair back into the loose bun she had worn earlier.

"Right on time, as usual." Nate's fiance Becca chuckled when Millie entered through the back door. She smiled at Becca and grabbed her apron and tied it around her waist. She threw a glance at the restaurant and noticed a new table of hers with people around it. She began making her way towards it.

"I can't believe Phil's haven't open yet, so we had to come here." The man, who looked like the dad, said. As Millie got closer she recognized them as a few members of the St James' family. The richest family that owned the largest beach house in town. Tod St James, owned a huge company in New York City that, from what Millie had heard, created something important for computers. He was married to Camille St James and together they had five sons; Tod jr., Fredric, Ludwig, Charlie and Andrew. Their youngest son Andrew was seven years younger than Charlie, which made him 17, like Millie was.

Millie approached their table and noticed Tod, Camille, Ludwig, Ludwig's wife Paulette (originally from France) and Andrew. 

"Welcome to Nate's Place. How can I be of service?" Millie greeted the St James'. As Nate and Becca had strictly taught her when she began working there; approach the rich guests like they would be approached in the city they're from.

All five of them looked up at Millie. Something about their gazes made Millie blush lightly. They placed their orders and drinks and Millie hurried back to gather their drinks. She worked quickly and returned out to the restaurant. 

"Miss, do you know why Phil's isn't open?" Tod St James asked her. 

"Phil's is only open is the summer when the ri-" Millie cut herself off. She was about to say "rich people are here" to the richest man on in town. She cleared her throat before she continued "when there are more people here. It doesn't get the same support when there's only us locals." Millie answered. 

Tod St James studied her for a moment before he gave her an understanding nod. "Right." he said. 

Millie grabbed the tray and hurried back to check on their food. Nate and the rest of the kitchen staff had a freaky talent of getting every dish for a table ready at the very same time. When she got to the kitchen she noticed the five dishes all ready for her to pick up. She glanced at her paper and repeated who was getting what and grabbed two plates at the time. The last plate was for Andrew St James. Millie grabbed his fish-dish and balanced it in one hand. She noticed that there was a lot of sauce on the plate and Millie balanced the plate, so she wouldn't spill. She had her eyes on the plate for slightly too long and tripped over the leg of Camille's chair and Millie unfortunately threw the plate on Andrew's chest.

Millie's eyes widened and she felt her face turn red as she watched her mess. "I am so sorry." she told Andrew. She made the mistake of looking around. Camille looked shocked, so did Andrew and Ludwig. Paulette looked like she could burst out laughing any second. And then there was Tod St James. He didn't look too happy. Not at all, actually.

"It's okay." Andrew's face broke into a smile. "I didn't like this shirt very much anyways. Just get me another plate and I'll be fine." He dared to wink at her. 

"I'm taking that from your tip." Tod St James said in a deep, demanding voice.

"Of course, sir." Millie's voice was high and squeaky and she turned away and quickly ordered her brother to make a new dish. 

"What happened?" Nate asked and Millie hid her face behind her hands. Becca joined them and she tried to hide her smile.

"Millie just poured food over the youngest St James."

"You. Did. What?" Nate was no where near amused.

"It was an accident." Millie cried. 

One of the kitchen workers, Cal, placed a new plate of Andrew's order on the counter. Millie grabbed it and felt her face turn red when she realized that she had to face the St James' again. She took quick steps, trying to be aware of every chair that could come in her way. She gently placed the plate in front of Andrew. 

"Thank you." he smiled at her. Millie felt her cheeks burn and gave Andrew a small nod, before she quickly made her way back to the kitchen. 

Millie served her other tables and tried her best to not look at the St James' table. When they called her over to pay she helped them as quickly and effective as she could. The St James' left and Millie began to clear their table. 

Suddenly 20 dollars were waved in front of Millie's face. She turned around and faced Andrew St James.

"What is that for?" she asked.

"That food that I'm wearing." he grinned and Millie felt her face heat up again.  "Keep the change."

"It's too much. It was my fault." Millie hated herself for stuttering so much.

"I can agree with you on the last part." he chuckled. "Just take the money."

"Thank you." she said honestly.

"Don't sweat it." he shrugged and turned around and left.

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