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"You have got to get over here! Something's happened."

"Bro! I can't just drop everything at six in the morning to come listen to you..."

"Taylor! Remember Snake Eyes? Yeah, well, he fell asleep in my bed last night!"

The other end went silent. Taylor began her strange, heavy breathing she got when she was nervous.

Taylor Lyles was my best friend. She had dirty bonds  hair that went to her armpits and dull brown eyes. Covering her eyes, she had huge nerd glasses. I had always thought this strange because she wasn't smart at all. On her lips, she always wore red or pink lipstick, We had been friends since sixth grade and, honestly, I don't know how I put up with her that long.

"Scar, what are you saying?" Her voice was a raspy whisper, like sandpaper.

"Come over and I'll tell you the tale."

"Ugh! Fine! I'm on my way." Taylor never had been her own person. She always let people walk all over her. I hate to admit it, but, I took advantage of her follower-ness at times like this.

When Taylor arrived, I quickly brought her up to my room. After telling her everything that happened, I heard her breathing getting rapid again.

"Tay, Tay. It's alright." Sometimes I worried about her. She didn't have asthma, but those who don't know her thought she did.

"I just...I can't even...I can't...how..." I want sure if she was surprised or dying.

"Don't think about it. I don't know how he got here so fast and I don't care." I knew by the look on her face that my best friend had seen through my lie. I did care.


By the time Taylor left, it was past noon. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until that very moment sitting there on my bed.

Slowly getting off my black and silver bedspread, I wandered down the stairs. Mom was nowhere so I just assumed she was at work.

Opening my fridge, I pulled out three eggs, day-old bacon, cheese, and Greenland butter (the very best kin of butter ever created!) Putting them all in a cereal bowl together, I whipped until egg yokes splashed my tank top. Then, I put them in the microwave for two minutes to create my favorite breakfast ever.

It wasn't until I had sat down at the counter that I noticed a knocking sound over the whirring of the microwave. Someone was at the door.

Standing up, I realized my attire in the kitchen mirror: weekend tank top (since I forgot to put on my weekend jacket that morning) (even though I don't remember taking it off last night) and my bright pink weekend shorts. My hair was in a messy-bun on my head and I had black makeup from the day before underneath my eyes.

I had to hide. No one could see me like this! I went to take a step in the direction of the laundry roomy I hide in, when I did the stupidest thing possible. I tripped.

Not on my face or anything, more like a stumble...right into the view of the front door.

I had to answer it now. That had most certainly seen me. Slowly, I crept towards the door, and shamefully swung it open,

Everything inside me leapt into my throat as I saw none other than the man who had awakened in my bed the night before.

"Snake Eyes? What are you doing back here?" My voice was manly since I had just woken up, and I was so embarrassed. Looking around to see if anyone was around, I grabbed the hot man's wrist and yanked him in the door, slamming it behind him.

I could tell he was trying to suppress a laugh, but he was failing miserably. I could just see the mirth and amusement in his gorgeous eyes.

He never answered, just grabbed my shoulders and dragged me to the couch in the family room. I couldn't let myself think about how he seemed to already know where everything was.

Once he had thrown me, rather forcefully, on the couch, Snake Eyes then proceeded to lean down. His face was less than an inch from mine, his minty breath filling my lungs. My breaths were short and rapid. When he spoke, I had to strain to hear over the sound of my heart.

"I'm sorry, Scarlet. I know you don't know me very well, and I'm sorry I scared you so last night, but there's something I have to do." And then he kissed me.

I was sure my heart was going to beat out of my chest! His kiss was deep and forceful, and much to my chagrin, I found myself blissfully returning it.

Oh, what a sight it must have been: the hottest guy in the world and, well, me, kissing there in an empty house on a puzzle-piece sofa.

Suddenly, Snake Eyes broke away from me. His beautiful eyes were staring into my soul, and I'm not being dramatic.

"W-what. The. Heck." That was all I could say. A small smile played on Snake's handsome features.

"I'm sorry Scar, I had to." He had given a nickname. Little did I know that this nickname would assist in the ruination of me later on.

"How did you get here? Are you following me?" I had meant my voice to sound stern, so I wasn't expecting it when it came out a desperate whisper.

"No, Scarlet, I'm not following you. I just...am an incredible human being." His voice was dripping with humor and sarcasm. "Anywhoo, I need to get going back to AF. Are you going to the game on Friday?"

I was still so stunned. Had he seriously just kissed me? I could not get over that.

"Of course! Are you" I had almost forgot to answer him, and I was inwardly scolding myself for letting my hope shine through my voice. No doubt he had sensed my irrational attraction to him.

"Absolutely." His face then turned pale, and he looked around, almost as if sensing some other presence. "I've got to go now, but I'll see ya later?" His voice seemed a little panicked.

With that, he stood up, nodded, gave a small, but adorable, wink, and stalked out the back door.

Not even thirty seconds later, my mom walked in the front door.

Searching For Snake Eyes #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now