1-The Old Man

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Hector's reading was interrupted by an elderly man who sat in front of him: "Hey kid, sorry to disturb, but you've been reading since the start of the journey, and this old man needs some conversation! The caravan's been on the move for three days already, and you haven't even said hello, and I really don't want to bother the driver, sounds like a good way to get us in a ditch!"

The man smiled an incomplete smile, some teeth missing from his mouth. His skin was tan, colored most likely by a life constantly in the sunlight. His head was balding, but a corona of grey hair still held strong.

Hector put away his book: he could always read it later, and he didn't want to have any hostility between him and his cart mate: "I can do conversation! Any particular subject in mind?"

"Well, since it seems so interesting, what about that book of yours? And more importantly, do ya actually know how to read or are you just pretending t'show off? Knowing a word or two, why not, always useful, but enough for a book? No desire to insult you, but ya don't really look the part!" The man pointed towards Hector's clothes,  patched and torn.

"It's fine, don't worry, I understand. To answer your first question, It's a book on the Flow. Probably the most complete one I found, but then again, while it speaks of many things, the author was just an occultist, he never wielded any of them. Still makes for an interesting read."

The Old man's face, friendly and smiling only a second ago turned into a frown and his voice took a serious tone:

"The Flow, you say? Back where I'm from, it's called Abomination! No matter what grand works it may allow, it is unnatural, it brings only ruin! I've got a story for you, boy, one that all your fancy warlocks and their books won't tell you! Those guys don't want you to understand that you just can't trust the Abomination!"

"A story, you say?" Hector was starting to get interested: no matter how biased or false the story could turn out to be, there always was some truth in such rumors.

"Yes, my friend, a story I do say! One about a terrible crime both 'gainst nature and law! The tale of the razing of Stone Dust village! A warning to those who believe they may simply ignore nature!"

And so, in the small musty wagon, the old man began his story...

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