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It felt as though the world had frozen, the very essence of the creature before them was unnatural. It stood too still, and its voice came from all the canyon, resonating, making their very bodies tremble with the voice.

After it finished its presentation, there was an awkward silence, no one truly knowing how to react. Hector didn't move, frozen by fear and hesitation, turning his eyes towards Erik, to find any sort of reassurance, but the old man seemed puzzled, uncertain, taken aback. Even Mira seemed more expressive than usual, clearly recoiling as she saw the being emerge.

The silence continued. Weighing down on all of them, until the Devourer stood up straight again, its head mechanically tilting to the side. 

"Is there something I have done incorrectly when introducing my self? Or have customs changes since I last spoke to someone? Is it not the natural reaction to present your selves as well?"

Mira shook off the shock and fear first, being able to process emotions better with her Eyes, the cold analytic nature of Teket taking charge to let her recover.  She returned to her neutral pose, her empty stone eyes fixed to the androgynous being. She quickly thought through the possibilities. What did it want? It didn't seem... hostile, but still...

"My name is Mira. I shall not give the others' should they not want me to."

Its movement came with a strange creaking sound, it was deeply off putting, as though bones broke and reformed quickly, the once silent canyon now echoing with each of its motions. The Devourer took a calm pose as well, mimicking Mira.

"Ah, a name cannot be given if you do not... possess it? It does make... scents, when you think about it... or was it sense?"

Erik was the second to steady himself, narrowing his eyes, looking at the creature with open wariness, taking a fighting stance, though still not growing as he usually did. Much like Mira, he had figured that, should the thing have wanted to attack, it would have already happened, but to be at ease near something so uncanny was difficult.

"Argh, cut the pleasantries, whaddaya want with us? 

Again, the Devourer mimicked the demeanor of its interlocutor, taking a mock combative posture, obviously ill-adapted to actual fighting, before freezing in place, like a manequin, while continuing with the same tone as before, its attention now focused on Erik.

"What do I want? Well, as long as none of you bleed on my bones or touch them too much, I just want conversation and company. Oh, it is important that you remember: do not touch directly my remains, it would be... ill-advised, and we'd both come out disappointed. Well, if the afterlife exists, that is... have you people figured it out yet? Cause I haven't. It really is an annoying thing."

Erik was definitely on guard now, starting to focus the radiance within himself, grunting menacingly.

"What do you mean by that? Just warnin' ya, ya don't want this to get ugly..."

In contrast with the stillness of its body, the Devourer shook his head wildly, causing a cacophony of cracks and the faint smell of burnt meat to spread through the pass.

"No,no,no,no,no, I do not! It is why I have warned you, in order to ensure it doesn't! It would really be sad if our conversation was cut short because of something so stupid!"

Hector had finally gotten over most of the surprise and dread he'd felt because of the being's presence, clearing his throat as he took his turn to speak, his voice still a bit shaky

"S-so... you were saying you hadn't spoken to someone in a long time, right? How long ago was it?"

The Devourer's pose once again shifted, now frozen in the middle of a dismissive shrug.

"I do not know. It  could have been two days ago as much as it could have been a century. It all kind of melts together, at some point, to be honest. So, who cares, really? I am speaking to you now, and I will remain long after you're gone, so let us speak, mh?"

Hector gulped. Even with the nonchalant attitude the Devourer showed, it was hard to ignore the rumors around it, and the overwhelming feeling of wrongness that emananeted from it. But staying in the good graces of the montrous force of nature seemed like a good idea.

But, before he could say anything, Eric pulled him and Mira aside, the Devourer simply tilting its head to the side, waiting patiently for an answer.

"Okay, what's the plan? How're we doin' this, Mira? Cause this is a nasty bugger, I'll tell ya..."

"As flattered as I am, is there a reason in particular you are asking me?"

"Well, ya did thought up the whole trap last time? Or did'ja forget that too? Plus, yer made of stone, don't think that thing's going t'try and eat ya, ya know? Since... well, yer made of stone, dunno how good that would be for the monster..."

Hector nodded. The last plan had worked, somewhat, and what nourishment would the Devourer get from a stone being? 

Mira stayed silent for a bit, before speaking up

"Well, it seems to truly want a conversation, so maybe we should try and talk as we walk, and run once we reach the end... if we even need to. What if it truly doesn't want to hurt us?"

Hector was... unconvinced. It was called the Devourer how could something like it be trusted? Concerned, he voiced his thoughts.

"You can't be serious! Look at it, it's just... wrong! Th-there has to be a reason for it to have its reputation, otherwise, don't you think more people would pass through here?"

"Kid's right! That thing's bad news! We need t-"

The devourer cleared its throat, or rather mimicked the noise, having no actual  respiratory system to speak of, the sound being more akin to a dry, raspy cough, mixed with the same cracking sound as before, ringing through the pass.

"Hey, I'm still here, are you guys done yet? I'm getting booooooored..."

Suddenly, it approached them, not by walking, at least, not exactly: it seemed to shift along to ground silently, before it seemed to suddenly remember how walking worked, its legs moving in an irregular manner, until it reached the group.

"And there's so much I want to talk about! Don't be strangers, we can talk like normal people! For example, what's the deal with the magical artifact in your bag?"

After saying that it... smiled. Cracks forming over its smooth features, before parting slowly, revealing rows upon rows of teeth as its mouth took the shape of an exagerrated grin, as its hand reached towards Mira's bag, more cracks appearing, soon revealing a bloodshot eye, intently focused on it.

"And... may I take a closer look?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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