Chapter 5- We Build Paws Dog Rescue

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Chapter 5
Throughout the whole next day and the day after that we call in workers to help us build Paws Dog Rescue. It was half-way finished by then.
"It's looking good so far." I say.
"It's half-way there. We'll be able to finish it by Tuesday in the morning since it is Sunday." one of the workers says.
"Ok. Sounds great! Goodbye. See ya Tuesday." I say.
"Bye." the worker says and he and his crew pack up their things and head back to their building.
"We should all go back home." I say.
"Ok." They all say.
"See ya Tuesday." I tell them.
They all wave goodbye and they head back to their homes.
Me and Arianna drive back to our new home to rest for the night.

Me and Arianna wake up and get going to Paws Dog Rescue. We say goodbye to Harry & Korra after we put them in their crates.
We drive to Paws Dog Rescue to see the most amazing thing ever!!
"We are all done!" The worker says.
"Wow this looks amazing!" Me and Arianna say.
"Yep. So nice to see you and call us if you have any questions. We put all the stuff you wanted outside the front door for you to put in. Goodbye." The worker says and he waves goodbye.
Me and Arianna call up Haley, Lydia,
Madeleine, Amy, Lauren, Dawn, Shannon, Bella, Laura, Alexa, Sarah, and Allison to have them help us.
We wait 1 hour till they all come.
We get working by putting up the sign, putting beds, toys, water & food bowls, and blankets in the kennels. We have 15 kennels inside. After we set up all the dogs' kennels, we set up the front desk and put a little door to the desk area.
We finally finish
"We are all done. Good job everybody." I say.
"We will open on Saturday. Please help spread the word by telling friends and family. Me and Arianna will be putting up signs and all that." I say.
"Ok." They all say.
They all leave for the day to go home.
Me and Arianna put up signs all near Paws Dog Rescue, talk to people, and show case it on the radio. After that, we head for home.
We open the door to see Korra & Harry out of their crates.
"How did you guys get out?" I ask surprised.
"I don't know. But there is nothing we can do about it now." Arianna says.
"Ya." I say.
We both give Harry & Korra their food and head up for bed to get ready for tomorrow.

Author's Note:
Hope you guys like it. Like and comment. Please share with friends and family as well. Thanks. Won't be able to do the next chapter until tomorrow. Sorry.

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