Spilled coffee and broken hearts.

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Em's Pov;

"Emily close the curtains, it's too fucking bright" jay screamed, "why me you little shit, go close them yourself" I decided I wasn't moving, it was far to early for his shit,so I went back too sleep. I woke up with a sharp pain in my head, "arghhhh fucccccck,what the hell" I opened my eyes laying on the floor I reached for the back of my head and curled up in a ball like position, I looked down too see my hand covered in blood. "Haha that's what you get for not closing the curtains." I started crying and ran outside too call a cab, I was still in pj shorts and a oversized tshirt so flagging a cab down was quite easy. "Please take me too the hospital now" i shouted. My vision now blurry as hell, my tshirt covered in blood and my face wet from crying. We pulled up too the hospital and he told me it was free, he carried me in and made sure I was ok before leaving. I woke up with jay standing over me as he muttered "fucking drama queen.", I shouted for a nurse and told her too get him out my room and that the sight of him made me sick. How could you? 4 years and you decide too treat me like this. Once I was dismissed and picked up my meds, I reassured the doctor I was ok, he told me too take it easy and try not too sleep a lot because I had a concussion, I agreed and left. Jay was waiting outside and offered too take me back too my apartment, I agreed just because I didn't want too walk home my head hurt really bad if I'm honest. We walked into the apartment where I was happily greeted by bear and nala my two dogs. Bear was a huge Saint Bernard he was always very protective of me around jay but he loved most other people, nala is a little smaller than bear and she's a golden ginger color with pointy ears, she was the hyper one and lovvvvvvvved too play with other dogs. Jay pushed past me and bear growled, "ugly mutt" he muttered under his breath, my anger got the best of me when I grabbed him and shouted " fucking leave then, you hurt me and you disrespect me dogs, I don't even know you anymore." He just looked at me with disgust in his eyes, that hurt more than anything. After I had cleaned up the blood on the floor and changed my clothes I grabbed the dogs leads and headed out for a walk, I could use it my head was spinning from my thoughts, but bear always seemed too take the edge off with his cuddles. I was sitting at the beach whilst the sun set and bear just got up and took off running I was so confused and dazed he never did this, "BEARRRR" "where are you bear" I looked too see him sitting on top of a guy from what I make out I ran over and pulled bear off, "I am sooooo sorry,he's never like this, ever" he just looked at me stunned. Before he stuttered out "ummm erm hhhhi I'm dylan,it's okay I have a St. Bernard too,his name is hunter,hunter say hi to... Sorry I didn't catch your name" woah he was hot and omg PUPPPPYYYYY, "erm yeah I'm Emily but please for the love of god call me em" I said before sitting down too play with the puppy. "URGH he's beautiful I just wanna keep him" I said in a baby voice, he sat down next too me and said "well if you insist but I come with him" and winked before I blushed and said "mmmmmm no deal" haha he smirked and we both went our separate ways.

Dylan's POV;

Oh god why did Britt punch me again, I wish I knew why she hated me so much. I said as I grabbed hunter and headed out the door, I had no idea where I was going but I ended up at this beach, before oh my god what is that, why is it running towards me oh my god. BANG!!! I was on the floor wish I giant St. Bernard on top of me smothering me, and too make it worse hunter joined him. From what I saw there was a shadow and an accent I'd never heard before, she dragged her dog off and apologized a million times but I didn't care, she looked amazing.her eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying, she looked sad. I introduced her too my little man hunter, she loved him. Her eyes were like fairy lights when she saw him it was adorable, Britt hated hunter from the second I got him. He tried too cuddle her all the time she hated it and it looked like it hurtled him when she screamed at him. I can't take it with her anymore.

Em's POV;

As I walked away I started too overthink like oh god is he looking, I wonder how my ass looks. I got a safe distance away from him so he couldn't hear me and looked down at bear and said "so he has your approval then beary boo?" He just wagged his tail and looked super happy. I was walking home too drop off the doggies and I decided I wasn't ready too go home, I opened the door and said I wasn't going too be home until later, I don't know why but I made my way down too a cute little coffee shop and as I was approaching I saw Dillion with a short girl with blonde hair probably his girlfriend. So merging was different he looked like he was crying, she was shouting and then out of nowhere punched him in the face and walked away telling him it was over. I ran down too see if he was ok, he was sobbing his poor little heart out "buuuut I thought she liked Lilly's" I saw the Lilly's crushed on the ground from where I assumed she threw them. I felt so bad for him so I took him into the coffee shop cleaned him up and bought him a drink he seemed too perk up after that, we decided too go pick up hunter, and I went too drop a coffee off for jay and pick up my dogs before trying too calm dylan down, anyway I walked threw the door and what I saw crushed me, jay was standing naked and so was my best friend Hannah, I dropped the coffees on the floor and told him too the fuck out of my house before I came back I grabbed nala and bear and he was chasing me down the room I saw Dylan and ran into his arms sobbing. He was startled by jay but didn't hesitate and punched him. We sat on the beach for a good 4 hours just sobbing and cuddling before I suggested we should go back too my house and get jay and his clothes out, Hannah was still sitting on the sofa she grabbed me and wouldn't let me go telling me too listen and that he forced her, I grabbed her by her hair and threw her out along with jay, I threw out most of his clothes as bear growled at him baring his teeth as if too say try me. Dylan helped clean up the coffee, when he noticed my blood stained shirt and bed sheets. I saw his face he looks puzzled.

Dylan's POV;

"Wait what is that? Do I even wanna know" I said trying not too touch it, she looked up so sad I could have hit myself for asking, "he threw me off the bed this morning and I was bleeding very badly." I was so angry, from what I learned about her at the beach she didn't deserve this, I got up knowing jay was still outside begging too get back in and I punched him so hard he fell down. She looked startled and scared all at the same time I helped her too her feet as we made it too the bedroom she looked so tired and hurt, her eyes puffy from all the crying, I looked even worse. I picked out an over sized tshirt and gave it too her told her too go wash her face I'd lock the door call the police too get jay away and that I would stay the night too make sure she was ok, she agreed. When I was making my way back I could see her getting undressed, not in a pervy way. I could see that she was covered in cuts and just as she put her tshirt on I could see her pick up her razor, I Burst into the bathroom and grabbed it. "Em what are you doing?!" I shouted. Her face dropped she looked like a heartbroken puppy the way she was looking, "dylan please you don't understand" she tried too grab it back resulting in me cutting my finger, "ah shit" she looked with her eyes even wider. "Dylz I'm so sorry" wait did she just call me dylz?! She walked past me with her head hung low and picked up hunter, he looked so happy with her. he fell asleep as soon and she started too rub his belly, she called on nala and bear but bear would not take his eyes from the door, he was a very protective dog. I walked through and asked if she minded if we slept in the same bed together, she replied with tears in her eyes and said "as long as you don't throw me out the bed" well that hurt, but I reassured her I wasn't like that I started too take off my shirt and her jaw dropped, I just blushed "what" I asked confused she was in a daze and it was driving me insane.

Em's POV;

MY GOD HIS ABS, his hair,his eyes,his butt,his lips. And I'm sat here with puffy eyes and no makeup on. Oh god he must think I am a slob URGH at this stage I don't care. "Dylz? Do you mind taking your pants off, not in a dirty way just cause I don't like jeans on the sheets" he looked like a deer in headlights but then took them off, I found myself staring at his butt and before you know it I muttered "that ass looks even better out of them jeans URGH my god it's killing me" he turned around so fast and I was the deer in headlights now oh god he heard me, my god I said that out loud, my face was probably as purple as Barney the dinosaur I could have died. "Ummmm thanks emz" he winked then gave me that smirk that could kill URGH stop you're killing me. OMG wait EMZ?! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas he gave me a nickname URGH love it. My mind was completely off jay and Hannah for the last 30 minutes, but I felt so cold I got out of bed too try and find my electric blanket when he grabbed me and pulled me back into bed and said "I'll keep you warm tonight don't worry" oh my why so perf tho. As I switched off the lights ready too sleep I curled up next too him cold as ice and drifted off it's been so long since I have felt safe in my own home...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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