Episode 11

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Tanya kept looking at him in anger. Hearing Mubaek's voice at that moment would catch them both off guard.

Yangcha! Mubaek, who calls out, is surprised when he sees the two of them on the ground. I hope I'm not interrupting anything, Mubaek says. And his voice suddenly brings them both to selfs. Yangcha quickly pulls his arm from her waist, freeing Tanya. Tanya gets up quickly, in shame and then gets up in Yangcha, regrouping himself.

Mubaek.. has something happened? She says. Tanya can't hide her tension.

I've seen yangcha drag you away, but you haven't been back in a long time. I thought was something happen. Danger is everywhere.. Especially shahati's children..

Tanya interrupted, saying, "he was just teaching me how to defend myself.."she sends her lethal gaze to Yangcha. Yangcha shakes his head smiling from under his mask and approves of her.

Then Tanya said, " Besides, I'm sure I'll be safe with Yangcha by my side.."she says. And she taking a look at him. Yangcha is astonished by these words. Does she really trust me that much? He feels a warmth in his heart thinking.

A little silence. Mubaek is as bewildered as Yangcha.

And what were you just doing on the ground? He says suspiciously. On the other hand, when the landscape just came before his eyes, he could barely suppress his laughter. He begins to notice the change in yangcha.

"I just lost my balance," Tanya said, trying to hide her blushing cheeks.. When Yangcha grabbed me, I accidentally stepped on his foot, which caused him to slip on the grass and fall.. And I fell on his.." she says in shame.

Yangcha can barely suppress his laughter. Tanya's shame and blushing cheeks aren't helping at all. Mubaek, who sees that yangcha barely holds himself, is quite surprised by this. What happened to him in my absence? He can't stop thinking. It shocks Mubaek that Yangcha, who has always been unresponsive, callous and unconcerned, can barely keep himself from laughing today.

Now I want to go back.. Tanya seeing Yangcha barely holding himself back so as not to laugh. And she doesn't neglect to give Yangcha her lethal gaze before she starts walking. As Tanya begins to move away from there, Yangcha quickly catches up with her and goes after them in Mubaek.

Yangcha be very careful of anyone who passes around Tanya along the way. And even more surprising to Mubaek is the way he walks around her in a protective way. Mubaek be following them. Tanya suddenly appears to lose her balance again by stepping on the skirt of her dress. But Yangcha quickly regains her balance by gently holding her arm. Mubaek is watching Yangcha's kindness with astonishment. He still can't believe he's seeing another Yangcha today. When Tanya wasn't around, he was acting like the Yangcha I knew. But now.. Mubaek gets really confused. They finally arrived at the Great Temple. Tanya goes to her room and her servants follow her. Tanya tells Yangcha and Mubaek that it is not necessary for them to come after her, saying that she wants some time alone.

But Yangcha frowns nervously looking at the closed door at the front of the room. He doesn't like the idea of leaving her alone in the room after what happened at night. They're regular maids who don't know how to fight, even if their maids are with them. Even now, he takes a step or two to the door thinking she might be attacked. But suddenly he feels a hand on his shoulder. Then, when he turns his head, he sees Mubaek standing next to him. "She said she wanted to be alone."following the testimony of says Mubaek. And he look at Yangcha's expression.

Yangcha frowns and quickly pulls his hand on his shoulder and heads back to the door. "What happened to you?"Mubaek's voice stops him again. He freezes for a moment and turns to Mubaek and looks at him in amazement.

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