eight:: avoiding & books

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chapter eight: avoiding & bookslocation: toronto, canada date: 3rd of august

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chapter eight: avoiding & books
location: toronto, canada
date: 3rd of august

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jj laid on top of his bed, staring up at the hotel ceiling above him. just like the bed next to him was, jj felt empty.

ever since their awkward, almost-kiss encounter, simon and jj had barely talked; they'd exchanged a few words, but never got into conversation.

simon especially went out of his way to avoid the other boy, deliberately sitting the furthest away from him or leaving when jj turned up.

meeting eachother was inevitable though when they went to bed; even then the boys wouldn't talk and would just face away from eachother.

as part of his desperate avoidance, simon would wake up particularly early and go to bed late, hoping his roommate would be asleep. on the other hand, jj felt low when he woke up and simon wasn't in the bed opposite to him.

that's why, the younger boy promised himself he would get simon back today, he would get his best friend back.

brought out of his daydreams, jj hears keys jangle and the creak of a doorframe.

"simon!" jj called, lurching into a sitting position with wide eyes.

the blonde stood in the doorway, hoodie draped over his frame and a small frown on his lips. the tall boy sighs, snatching his wallet off the counter, which he must have forgotten.

for once, simon gives jj a pitiful smile, mumbling back, "i'll see you later, jide.."

"wait!" jj urged, trying to stand up but his body is trapped in the comfort of his duvet, "where are you-"

quickly, the door clicks shut and jj is left in loneliness of his own thoughts again.

he decides to take a direct course of action, shooting up from his bed and hauling on the first clothes he can find in his wardrobe.

jj dashes to the elevator, endures some annoyingly calm elevator music and makes his way to the lobby. this is where the group would mainly hang out, so unsurprisingly he finds josh.

"do you know where simon went?" jj asks, out of breath.

the older boy looks him up and down, feels a bit offended to not even get a hello first, but nevertheless replies, "to the city libary i think, said' he was going to go and get some peace and quiet or something."

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