Instagram guy

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I layed in my bed all tucked in and scrolling through my instagram feed. As I scrolled I found a cute pic of a guy looking maybe 22 or something. He had brown hair, beautiful blue eyes and a smile to die for. I clicked on the pic to find his tagged username. I clicked it and scrolled through his pictures. They were all really good. His life seems so amazing, I mean he travles a lot, has an amazing apartment and he seems to go out a lot. I decided to follow him and see what happens tomorrow. I turned off my phone and went to bed. 

(3 am the same night)

"Ding Ding" I heard my phone call out and I looked at it with tired eyes from the deep sleep I was  in moments before. It was a follow back from the mystery guy and a message. I slowly opened the app and went in to see the message. 

"Hey beauty, I couldn't help but notice you as I looked through my notifications <3" I looked at the message multiple times trying to figure out what to reply. 

"Thank you. I really like your photographs" I wrote and sent it before I would regret it again. As I layed and waited for a reply, I looked through his feed again. Suddenly a message popped up on my screen again. I tapped it and read:

"Why thank you. That means a lot, I really enjoy it."

I replied and it ended up with us messaging the whole night. My alarm clock read 6:30 am and we were still at it. We wrote about anything and everything from the sky to the earth. I learned that his name was Ethan and that he was 23 years old. He lived in Spain at the moment because of his work as a photographer. He travels a lot because of his job and gets to see every part of the world with it. His life is much more interesting than mine. I mean I go to college on my third year and I work at a fast food place on the side. I wish I could do what he does. 

ding ding, My phone rang and i looked at his message:

"Y/n, do you maybe wanna come to Spain this summer? I mean you seem really cool and I would love to show you around :)" He wrote and my eyes almost bulged out of my face in surprise. I mean I do have vacation in a few weeks and I could easily get off work for a few weeks... But I only know him from the internet. He might not be real. 

"How do I know you are real?" I wrote almost biting my nails out of pure anxiety. 

"400****** Face time me" He wrote and I jumped out of my bed. I mean I have to look decent, so I quickly dressed into something a little more beautiful and put on mascara. I sat down on my bed and wrote his number into my contact and choose face time. As the famous ringtone rang, I started to regret it. What if he was just playing me? As my mind went on and on with that, the ringtone stopped and a familiar face showed up on the screen.

"Hey beautiful" he said with a hot morning voice. I blushed slightly and replied: "Hey.. So you are real" I smiled while replying. 

"Yup I'm not some creepy old guy" He chuckled and winked at me. 

I laughed a little. "Well then yes, I would love to come to Spain for a few weeks" I replied and smiled at him. His smile whitened: "That's amazing. Can't wait to see your beautiful face in person" he said with an excitement in his voice. I can't believe I'm going to Spain to see this guy. This summer is gonna be amazing. 

(Do you guys want a part 2?)

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